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Month: February 2012

The Bible…really, The Bible

There are a couple blogs that I follow pretty closely. Some are listed to the right. One of them, Allan Bevere’s, had a link to an interesting CNN blog by Steven James. In it he points out that the Bible is really a text that is “Very raw. Very real.” I agree with much of what he has to say. The church has tended to make the Scriptures some high and hallowed thing that the average person cannot hope to reach or touch. Many others, like James, have attempted to strip away the religious veneer that obscures this real and living compilation of inspired words.
There is the danger, however, that we push the humanity too far and neglect the calling that these words place on us. We are called to move beyond “partying with Jesus” into a real, living, vibrant relationship with him. Yes, that means to go to the wedding at Cana and party down. It also means to climb the rocky path to Calvary and lay down our lives with him.
James’ piece is good and necessary, but it is not the final word.
Here is a link:

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The Second Garden

The other morning I was meditating on Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Much ink has been spilled on what took place that night as Jesus prayed and the disciples napped. Jesus asked the Father to let the cup pass. Why? What cup? Some think that it was the cup of God’s wrath that Jesus was asked to drink to the very dregs. These people say that Jesus was aware of what was coming that night and the next day. He would be tortured and killed. Some, if not most, believe that Jesus was also aware of the purpose for this. He was to be the sacrifice, the ἱλαστήριον;  the means and the place where forgiveness, or atonement was offered. I’m not convinced that he was aware of this. But, that’s a topic for another day.
One thing that I am sure of was that Jesus was convinced that he was being faithfully obedient to the Father. Paul made this clear in Philippians 2. It was the Father’s will that Jesus move forward to the cross. 
I think that there was something else happening that night that sometimes gets overlooked in the search for theological truth. That thing was the grief that Jesus felt about leaving this life. Although, he knew that something far better was coming, I think that he experienced a sense of loss, too. From what I can see in the gospels, Jesus enjoyed life. He was accused of hanging with drunkards and gluttons because he “came eating and drinking.” He was a prophet who enjoyed working with the outcast and marginalized. I’m sure he had joy in healing people and restoring lost family members. Children seemed to hold a special place in his heart. And, we must not forget his parting words to his most intimate associates. “No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you” John 15:15 NASB. These were important relationships that had been forged over 3 years of living, eating, drinking…being together. He was leaving Peter, James, John and the rest. Did he know that they would respond favorably to his absence and the Spirit’s presence? He may have had his doubts, especially if we take Mark’s portrayal of the twelve. Jesus had experienced joy and laughter; testing and fulfillment; everything that life in Palestine at that time could offer a person. I think we should consider these things. Jesus was, after all, human. He can relate to our concerns about loss. And, we must learn to identify with his faithfulness in order to move forward in our own lives.

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Paying Attention

The recent uproar in Afghanistan reveals a tragic gap in how people view others. The president and his military team have been quick to point this up as an accident. No one in an American uniform would intentionally destroy sacred documents. There are procedures for these kinds of things. Over the years I’ve noticed, though, that accidents tend to be more likely when people don’t pay attention. I raised 2 kids. I know what happens when people don’t watch what they’re doing. However, it seems that when someone holds something to be important and worthwhile, she/he tends to pay closer attention. This helps keep the accident to action ration way low. I think that if we begin to view Afghans and other Muslims as significant, and not all terrorists, we may see fewer accidents happen. No, we don’t have to agree with everything that is taught in Islam and other cultures. But, we do have to remember that they are created in the image of God and are deserving of care and respect due God’s ‘very good’ creation.

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The Kingdom Within

As I was reflecting on God’s reign in our lives, I was struck by a couple things that we, in our fast-paced, immediate gratification culture may miss. We look for the so-called Kingdom of God in the world around us. Opportunities to serve and bring God’s dominion to bear with the poor, the beat-up and those others with needs that we can help to meet. These are all GREAT! As Christ followers our job description includes Luke 4:18-19.
But, there is another thing to consider. Jesus also that his disciples should love God with all of their heart, mind and strength. Then he said, “And your neighbor as yourself.” I wonder where that love will come from when all of our resources are to be directed toward loving God. I think part of key to this is that Jesus also taught that we should seek first the kingdom of God. In another place, he told a group of religious leaders that the kingdom of God was within them. Some translations have this as the kingdom is in the midst of you, indicating something external. But, for some contemplatives the idea of kingdom being within a person resonates. As we seek the reign of God within us, God can then love our neighbor through us. Rather than an external “doing the work” of the kingdom, it, (the kingdom), wells up from deep within us as living water to care for others and the cosmos. God is all and in all.

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I read an excerpt by Henri Nouwen yesterday in a book entitled, The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life. In it he wrote about Christ followers being “Beloved” by God. The text he used was Jesus being baptized and the voice of the Father stating that this was God’s beloved Son in whom God was very pleased. By extension, we who are adopted as God’s children, (John 1:12), are also “Beloved” by God. As I meditated on this I said, “Ok…so what?” In my mind’s eye I saw Abba taking me on His lap and embracing me. I imagined the Father and Son laughing and slapping me on the back to welcome me into the divine family. Yet, no joy. Granted, I have spent many years stuffing emotions. I promised myself that I would not allow myself to be hurt…again. But, this is Abba’s presence we’re talking about. Shouldn’t there be some emotional response?
One of Nouwen’s favorite pericopes is the story of the Prodigal from Luke 15. He likes to point out the unmerited favor that the father showered on his wayward son. Especially, since the son seemed to have rather self-serving motives for returning. In the story, however, I did not detect a great deal of joy and happiness from the son. Yes, one verse states that they began to celebrate. This could indicate that the son perked up. However, I’ve been to many celebrations and not felt especially festive.
So, considered what the reception and grace given to this wayward traveler could reveal about the others in the story, in particular the father. I saw that to the servants, the father was lavishly generous. Not only did the son get a huge welcome home party, but apparently, the servants were welcome, too. The father was conspicuously forgiving. This is one of the main themes of the story. The eldest son saw the father behaving ‘over-the-top,’ but could not see past his own concerns. The prodigal, himself, experienced acceptance in the face of expected rejection. In all of these, the father received some sort of ‘glory.’ Generous; forgiving; lavishly pouring out more than was warranted; accepting.
No, I don’t feel particularly warm and fuzzy about being “Beloved.” But, it’s really not about me, is it?

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I have recently been working through a small portion of Scripture in the Gospel according to John. Many of the ancient spiritual mystics and contemplatives wrote about union, or communion with God. In these writings one can get the idea that ‘abiding’ with, or in, Christ is foundational. I read John 15:1-7. In the 2011 NIV the verb, meno, has been rendered, “remain.” So, verse 4 reads, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you.” According to BDAG there are several ways to understand the language of ‘remaining.’ One of them is, of course, to remain in a certain place or position. It refers to location. In a sense, it can carry with it the flavor of dwelling or lodging. When I read ‘remain,’ however, I get the idea that it is something static that is left where it was found. ‘Remain in the house’ means to be static and stuck in a position or location. The NASB rendered this word “abide.” Again, BDAG, confirms this, also. Part of their definition is, “to denote an inward, enduring personal communion.” TDNT contains, “By the use of μένειν Jn. seeks to express the immutability and inviolability of the relation of immanence.”1God abides in the Son, believers abide in Christ, Christ abides in believers, believers abide in God, and God in believers. Kittel goes on to assert that, in this use of the present tense, “the eschatological promise of salvation becomes immediate possession [of believers].2
For me, the use of ‘abide’ rather than ‘remain’ is a more accurate understanding. Abide in English carries the color of relationships in active growth. It is a ‘green’ word. It is not a ‘steely gray’ word like “remain.”
The text in John is deserving of long, quiet meditation to allow the Holy Spirit to “abide” in us.
1&2Theological dictionary of the New Testament. 1964-c1976. Vols. 5-9 edited by Gerhard Friedrich. Vol. 10 compiled by Ronald Pitkin. (G. Kittel, G. W. Bromiley & G. Friedrich, Ed.) (electronic ed.) (4:576). Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
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The Prince of Egypt

Last night my daughter put in the dvd of the animated “The Prince of Egypt.” It’s the story of Moses as God used him to liberate Israel from the oppression of Pharaoh. As we began, I had in the back of my mind Cecil B. DeMille’s “Exodus” with Charlton Heston. The grandeur of that production with Heston’s portrayal of a larger-than-life, and somewhat other-worldly Moses stood out in my mind. However, the animated production took a very different view of Moses and his relationship with just about everyone. His relationship with Pharaoh was especially interesting. While deMille developed the enmity between the two men, the folks at DreamWorks allowed a more human Moses to arise from the story. Yes, he still kills a guy and runs off to the desert. Yes, he met Jethro and Zipporah in Midian. And, of course, he met God at the burning bush.( I was surprised at how closely DreamWorks kept this particular encounter to the actual text.) Anyway, Moses went back to his tent, without the added gray hair that Heston sported, and had to convince his wife that he needed to go back to Egypt. For anyone who is married, this was an accurate portrayal.
Moses returned and was welcomed by Pharaoh at first. Then began the signs of God’s judgement on Egypt and its gods. I could see the Pharaoh being changed. At first somewhat surprised and incredulous with Moses, he became more and more hardened and angry. Even before the last plague, though, he still tried to woo Moses back into Egypt’s good graces. In the end, however, the angel of God swept through Egypt killing the first born. As Pharaoh’s son lay dead, Moses came to Pharaoh and was told that the people were free to go. Rather than say “I told you so,” the storytellers showed Moses leaving Pharaoh and breaking down to weep. Wow! Even though God had judged Egypt harshly, there was no joy in the deaths of so many. Even later in the story at the Red Sea, I caught some of the ethos of sadness when the army of Pharaoh was destroyed. Although the Israelites were free, and there was joy for that, the loss of so many sons of Egypt was not something to gloat about. These men had fathers, mothers, children, wives, friends and lovers who were left bereft. The parents of the lost first borns were devastated. I truly believe that God was deeply grieved by what happened. Lives were snuffed out in an instant throughout Egypt. First born; warriors. Beloved children; brothers. Not a time to rejoice, but to reflect on the effect that our own pride, arrogance and stubborness can have on us…and others.

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And in this corner…

I love reading the work of good scholars. Especially, journal articles. These folks are virtually always responding to someone else’s idea or positions. The most fun is when they disagree with one another. So and so is ‘contra’ the other so and so. And, they always have well thought our reasons why they are right and the other wrong. The banter between these will-trained professionals gives me hope that, like the blind squirrel, I may find an acorn once in a while.
The one missing element, however, is who is asking themselves, ‘What if I’m wrong’? The other person is assuredly wrong. But, what about me? Can I quickly back-pedal and make it look I was right, thus saving face? Or, can I say, “Yes, I was wrong. Thank you for helping me see that.” I would hope that I could.
But, I really hope that the Battle of the Ph.D keeps up…it’s more entertaining than the W.W.F.

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It’s all about Grace

When the word ‘grace’ is mentioned in most evangelical settings, one’s mind almost automatically turns to salvation, justification, and faith. After all, this has been the foundation stone of Protestant theology since Luther. There are other ways to understand this, however. Our Roman Catholic sisters and brothers have a pretty good handle on this. Let me share a bit of my story to make this a tad clearer. Over the many years that I have been a follower of Christ I have sought to build a vibrant devotional life. I’ve read the books, listened to the messages, and watched the videos. Time after time I have resolved to get up earlier and spend time with God. I have compiled my prayer lists to assist me. I have purchased the devotional books written by the so-called spiritual giants of history. This ‘great cloud of witnesses’ who seemed to have the answers to my dilemma. And, time after time…I failed miserably. When I was a student at Ashland Theological Seminary I chose a track that required my to take classes in Spiritual Formation. I know, yawn. I was up for the languages and the biblical studies. These were the important classes that I looked forward to. But, something began to happen. I had a class on spiritual disciplines led by a woman who was very unassuming. To look at her one would not think of her as a spiritual heavyweight. However, as is most times the case, looks are deceiving. She used Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth  as a text. I had read the book when it first came out way back when. I was not impressed by the choice. But, as the class met I found a refreshing that I had not experienced before. A thirst began to grow that impelled me onward and inward. I thank Dr. JoAnn Watson for her passion and wisdom. But, I did not realize that this was the beginning of God’s gracious work in my life. The following year I sat under Dr. Paul Chilcote in a class entitled “Person in Prayer”. During this quarter I came upon a web site,, that I began to follow daily. I was able to read the selected passages of scripture in a relatively short amount of time. This enabled me to build a habit. Again, I did not recognize this as a blessed gift from a loving Father. For about 3 years I followed the practice of spending time in the morning using the Office as published at the above site. Of course, there were days that I missed. But, rather than beat myself up and admit that I was defeated, I would be back at it the next day. More grace from God. More recently, since my heart attack, I have found that I need to spend more time with God. This has grown into a desire and passion that causes me to look forward to spending substantial time in the morning. I have begun to remain silent and strain to listen for God’s voice; to look for God’s presence. The scripture has begun to speak to me about the condition of humanity and our responsibility to serve our fellow travelers on this 3rd rock from the sun. A few days ago I realized, or maybe God spoke, I don’t know, God does, that this is an example of Yahweh’s grace in my life. The journey from Dr. Watson, through Dr. Chilcote, through ‘missionstclare,’ through a heart attack, and through this present leg has all been God’s grace. None of it was through my own strength, ability or education. God is the author and trainer of these things. So, I thank God; Father, Son, Spirit for this outpouring of Grace. For Grace it is. And, if I should wake tomorrow and it’s gone, or changed, that will not alter the fact that God has given it.

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