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Breaking the Chains that Bind Posts

Who’s your daddy?

This morning I was reading Matthew 21:33 and following. This pericope is usually called the Parable of the Tenants. In it Jesus told of some folks who had been given charge over the vineyard belonging to someone else. It was their job to care for the vineyard and, at the end of the season, to give the fruit to the owner. Of course, they reneged on this and abused and killed those, including the owner’s son, who came to collect the fruit. This is usually sited as abuse by the chief priests and Pharisee’s in Roman Palestine. It gives justification for these so-called leaders to be ousted by the disciples of Jesus. As I reflected on this, however, I began to see that these leaders had a compelling desire to protect and control that which they had been given charge over. They were comfortable with the arrangement. Perhaps, because the landowner was what we would call an “absentee landlord”, they felt that they knew better than him how best to care for the vineyard. They may also have felt entitled to the land and its produce because they were the ones who cared for it. In any case, they were mistaken. The vineyard was not theirs to control.
I think that the church has developed a similar mindset. Although we say we trust God to care for and protect the church, we do not know how to relax our grip. I have heard leaders in my own church talk a good game about raising up young men and women to be leaders. However, what they are really saying is “When we think that you have become enough like us, then we can trust you to lead.” Like the tenants, we claim to know what’s best for the vineyard we have been given charge over. We want to protect it from the chaos that will most certainly come if we allow the next generation to come and lead in their own gifting as Christ followers. We want to protect and “oversee” them as if we are their parents. The ancient churches even refer to those overseers as “Father.”
I think that we are missing a great opportunity to share in the work of the Holy Spirit if we do not step back and learn from these young adults. Young adults who are expected to pick up the mantle of leadership in the culture, society, politics, the marketplace, and, yes…the church. We are not their parents, but their fellow laborers in the vineyard of the Master. It’s time we embraced that.

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The Virgin birth…fact? Does it really matter?

There has been quite a reaction to an article written by Albert Mohler. This article was in response to another by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times. Mohler’s argument that one must accept the virgin birth of Jesus as fact or risk one’s position as a Christ follower. He wrote, “This much we know: All those who find salvation will be saved by the atoning work of Jesus the Christ — the virgin-born Savior. Anything less than this is just not Christianity, whatever it may call itself. A true Christian will not deny the Virgin Birth.”
While I personally do believe in the birth of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, Mohler’s inflamed rhetoric does little to convince anyone who is not a Christ follower of the truth of Christ’s life and mission to reconcile the Cosmos to Yahweh. It does, however, point to the narrow focus of some. Having read some other articles by Mohler, I think that this recent one reveals more about Mohler’s view on biblical inerrancy than to anyone’s faithfulness to Christ.

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Interesting article in Sojourners

I came across this article about violence in the Bible over at Sojourners Magazine. The questions about so-called God sanctioned violence have been asked for as long as there have been people to ask them. Derek Flood has a good take on Paul’s “re-purposing” of Old Testament texts in the light of Christ.
Note that you will need to sign up to read it, butt hay, it’s free.

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It’s a matter of vision

Over the past few years I’ve begun to have an issue with folks who hold to a fundamentalist/literalist view of the scriptures. These believers steadfastly claim that every word is inerrant and true for all people in all places at all times throughout history. The belief that the Bible is historically and scientifically accurate…even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
I have read other’s scathing rebukes and dismissal of these followers of Jesus. Some well-known writers and speakers have jumped on this bandwagon to castigate the dogmatic simpletons who don’t use the brain that God gave them.
As I have prayed and reflected on this, especially my own complicity, I have to say that Yahweh has rebuked me. In my zeal to unleash my learning and understanding of the ‘truth’ about the Bible, I have unwittingly become that which I sought to correct. I have become judgmental and dismissive of these who are beloved by God. For this I have had to ask for Yahweh’s forgiveness and have had to change my direction of thought.
We have no calling, nor right, to judge these others. We do, however, have the right to disagree. We have the right to discuss openly our concerns. This discussion must be open and two-way. I think that we must be willing to be changed, also. Building walls of dogma don’t lend themselves to unity within the body of believers.
As I considered these things it occurred to me that Yahweh has given various gifts and particular vision to various people. Paul wrote about these things to the church at Corinth. I don’t think that the base issues are much different now. Some people thought that their particular knowledge was better than some others. Judgements were made and people were marginalized. My vision is sacred and special to me. It is not necessarily any other person’s vision. I think many of us would do well to remember that.

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The many faces of me

This morning as I was spending time with Yahweh in prayer and reflection, I began to realize that I have much to be grateful for. Six years ago my life was pretty much a train wreck. (That’s a topic for future consideration.) Through the experience of going to seminary and rubbing elbows with other Christ-followers God began a process of transformation that is ongoing today. I am grateful for Yahweh’s reclamation project that is my life.
As God continues to transform me, I am becoming aware of the many faces I put on throughout the day. There is the face that I wear at home as I pray. There is the other face that my wife sees. At work, church, with friends, in stores, on the highway…different faces for every occasion. Jesus was not like this. His life was characterized by a unity of purpose and presentation that few of us can emulate. But, emulate we must. I think that folks who are called to follow Jesus and become disciples must allow God to mold and fashion us into more Christlike people. Painful…sure. Necessary…absolutely. This is an interesting journey we are on. May Yahweh continue to guide us on the way.

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Sticks and Stones….maybe words can hurt me

I read an interesting take on the language of the Occupy Wall Street movement this morning. Author Brian McLaren offered an experience that he had with them. It is an experience with ‘words’ that many of us, certainly me, don’t even think of. Words come coursing from our tongues with little or no consideration of what they are actually saying. At least, we don’t think about what those who hear our words will actually take away.
In a short post, McLaren hit the mark about the violence that certain words and phrases can evoke. Violence that is not intended on the part of the speaker, but is there nonetheless.
He cited Mat. 5:21-26 as an example of the power, and consequence, of ‘words.’
Perhaps, if we who claim to follow Christ would reflect on the Words of Jesus,  we would see more of the reign and dominion of God revealed in our world.
Please check out McLaren’s post:

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Can Christ followers actually care about the environment?

I just read an article by Katharine Hayhoe, an environmental expert from Texas.
It is at:,0,2075349.story
It seems that some folks are actually starting to ‘get it’ about the effects that humans are having on the environment.
Being an Christ-follower puts me in a group that many times denies and denounces the idea of humans having anything adverse to do with the environment. That’s a left-wing propaganda thing. Well, I happen to agree with the environmentalists. By, as Ms. hayhoe wrote, using the brain God gave me I have to agree.
Anyway, if anyone stops by here, please check out the article.

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I’ve started to work through the first chapter of Genesis in Hebrew. After all, I did spend a lot of money learning this language. I should use it.
Anyway, I find that in some respects it’s a lot easier than Greek. However, sometimes I run into a verse like 1:11 that gets me turned around in circles. The first 10 verses revealed a lot of color that has been completely lost in English translations. But, verse 11 shows that I am so far removed from this foreign tongue that my western brain starts to convulse and spit up. I am going to get it, though. It may take 10 years, but my goal is to be able to give my English Bibles away and only use Hebrew and Greek texts. At my age, that will be an accomplishment.

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2011 Women’s World Cup…In the Book

Well, the 2011 Women’s World Cup is history. An unexpected result catapulted the Japanese side to victory. Congratulations to them. This is a bright spot for a country still reeling from a devastating earthquake and tsunami.
However, for the number one ranked U.S. team the loss serves as a wake-up call. The U.S. had struggled through the tournament. Sheer will and tenacity allowed them to even be in the finals. They reflected the American never-say-die attitude that, I think, endeared them to the many fans yelling “U.S.A” in the stands. They had overcome the arrogance of the Brazil side in the waning seconds of a quarter final match. It looked as if they were destined to win. I feared that they may have looked at the final match against the Japanese team as a cake walk. After having defeated Japan in earlier matches, this would have been understandable. But, in the World Cup that cannot be assumed. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they took the match seriously and came out swinging. In the first minute they developed a very good scoring opportunity. In fact, for much of the game they could move the ball at will. The U.S. dominated much of the game creating many good scoring opportunities…but they were unable to finish them.
Japan, on the other hand, was patient. They waited for, and found, chinks in the U.S. defense that enabled them to score when they had to. While the U.S. was the stronger side between the end lines, Japan proved resilient enough to push the ball over the goal line.
There will be people who will claim that the better side did not win. To them I say, the last time I checked, the object of the game was to put the ball in the back of the net. The U.S. could not. It doesn’t matter how many opportunities are created if they are not finished. This is not to take anything away from the players who left everything on the field. Sometimes the game is not fair. The post or crossbar get in the way. The defense gets confused and the ball winds up in the net. Such are the fortunes of the game. The U.S. team deserves praise for the tournament they played. However, the Japanese team did what was necessary to win. Cudos to them. If the U.S. team had to lose, the Japanese team was the team to lose to.

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One of my professors from seminary recently celebrated his first “blogiversary.” In his post for that day he recapped some of his reasons for blogging as well as the joy he has experienced. One thing he wrote was that blogging is hard work. It takes time and commitment to do it in a way that people want to follow it. That has been the difficult part for me. I simply don’t have the time to blog in a regular, consistent way. Be that as it may, I hope to continue jotting some things from time to time. After all, I have nothing profound or revelatory to write. This is primarily a space for me to explore and develop my thoughts about some things. I, like many others, find that sitting down and putting words to thoughts and ideas; to things I hear and learn; to events and emotions helps to concretize them in my mind. This helps to move these things from head to heart. So, if I’m not as regular with blog posts as the experts say that I should be…oh, well. It’s still interesting to me to be able to look back over months of thought development and see where I’ve been. If anyone cares to join me in this, they are welcome.

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