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Breaking the Chains that Bind Posts

June 26, 1976…a very good year

On that day I had the good fortune to wed my wife. The journey has not been easy. However, with perseverance and God’s grace we have survived. We have added two more to the human family directly and one indirectly, (that would be our grandson!).
Anyway…Happy Anniversary to my wife!

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Giving thanx for a Friend

During my first year at seminary I found that I had a nagging need for someone to talk to. You see, up until then I got along with no one. No one to share my thoughts with. No one to share the feelings that had developed into a maelstrom of emotions that nearly destroyed me. Yes, I was, and am, married. But, there are only so many things that one can discuss with a mate. My prayer became, “God, show me someone I can talk to.” Well, the first year of seminary came and went with no result. The second, my year of languages, also rushed by with solitude. However, in the third year I found that the need for a peer to speak with became a priority. I was in a class on spiritual disciplines, (thank you ATS and Jodi!), when the Holy Spirit began to insist that I find a brother with whom I could share. Again, I prayed. This time a name came up. It was a person I had known for over thirty years. I asked God to find someone else. But, God usually gets God’s way. I phoned this person. He was not really keen on the idea, but agreed to meet for coffee. We talked and decided that maybe we could continue getting together for 6 months or so…just to see how things developed. Now, 2 and a half years later, we still get together for coffee. The time spent with him has been a blessing, indeed. I am able to share my life; and he can share his. Ours is not necessarily a pastoral relationship, although, some of that takes place. Ours is not a relationship with like partners. He is 14 years my senior and an engineer. I am a “sensitive musician.” But, we do have a good relationship. I guess the reason I’m writing this is to extol the virtue of having a friend. For those of us who find that difficult, I encourage us all to go on a “friend-quest.” Dig, scratch, grab a magnifying glass, pray…do whatever is necessary to find someone to be a friend to. God has fashioned humans in such a way that comradeship is a necessity. Like breathing and eating, we cannot flourish without it. Yeah, we can survive. But, there is so much more than simply surviving for us.

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One more thing with N. T. Wright

Wright stated throughout this book that the resurrection of Jesus was not merely an event that opened the way for people to go to heaven. In fact, he was adamant that heaven is not the final destination for any humans; the final resurrection is. His take on the resurrection of Jesus is that it inaugurated the kingdom of God in this present age. Not that it is complete, but that it has started. Part of our responsibility, then, is to work toward advancing the reign of God. This leads him to the conclusion that “we must envisage a world in which the present creation…is enhanced, taken up into God’s larger purposes…but certainly not abandoned.” God said that the creation is very good. Corrupted; yes. But, still very good. If this is true then our spirituality works out in the every day lives of those who follow Christ. It’s not just to get people saved, whatever that actually means. According to Wright, it would be a holistic approach to revealing God’s redemption of, not just humankind, but the entire creation. As a worshiping people, Wright sees us as “the people who feast at Jesus’ table [being] the ones in the forefront of work to eliminate hunger and famine;…those who pray for the Spirit to work in and through them [being] the people who seem to have extra resources of love and patience in caring for those whose lives are damaged, bruised, and shamed.” These people are then in a position to speak of Jesus, to encourage others to join with them in worshiping Yahweh, and to follow Christ. Our mission is not to swell our numbers with souls waiting to abandon ship, but to make disciples to change the world.

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Let me tell you….

Before I launch into uncharted waters, I would like to reflect a bit on the last 5 years of my life. Some things just take longer for those of us who are a bit slow.
I felt a calling 30 some years ago to go to seminary. At 18 yrs. of age and with a job that paid real dollars, I skipped undergrad, (I had been accepted at Malone College in Canton Ohio), and went straight into the marketplace. Fast forward 30 years. I entered seminary at Ashland Theological Seminary in 2006 as a “special student.” We are the ones without an undergrad degree, but have some kind of life experience that makes up for it.
Anyway, ATS was good to me. I will be forever indebted to the administration that allowed a bugger like me into a Master of Divinity program.
Beside the obvious, I need to thank several of the faculty for opening my eyes to
God in ways that I could never have experienced apart from the school.
Dr. Paul Overland, who is perhaps the most sensitive professors of Old Testament and Hebrew. Thanx also to “Eli.”
Dr. Wyndy Corbin-Reushling who taught me that it’s ok for Christians to think. I cried for hours when that hit home.
Dr. John Byron, well just cuz.
Dr. L. Daniel Hawk who taught me that the party line is not necessarily correct.
Dr. William Myer…If Dr. Corbin-Reushling taught me it was ok to think, Dr. Myer taught me to think outside of my white, middle-class comfort zone. I am forever indebted to him for this.
Dr. David DeSilva who taught me how to love the dark underside of socio-rhetorical criticism.
Dr. Dawn Morton who had faith in me as a budding Christian educator.
Dr. JoAnn Ford Watson…what can I say Jodi…you’re the best!
Dr. Walter Kime who had faith in me.
Dr. J. Robert Douglass who I had before he was Dr. You inspired me to consider my gifting as a musician and leader of worship. (If you need a guitarist, let me know.)
Dr. Marvin McMickle…as a fellow Clevelander, (or close enough, I’m from Avon Lake), God’s blessings on you in your future. And, thank you for showing me how to preach God’s word to God’s people.
Dr. William Payne, what can I say but thank you for rekindling the fire of missions and evangelism. You’re a good man, sir.
Rev. Ramone Billingsley for your encouragement and support.
Lori Lower, without whom I don’t think I could have gotten through any of this.
Dr. Ken Walther whose common sense approach and passion for teaching was refreshing.
All the other staff and faculty whose love of God and passion for preparing God’s people made this journey transformational for me.

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the gospel?

I came to follow Jesus as a teenager in the early 1970s. We were all evangelicals then. Some of us actually became “charismaniacs.” Anyway, we defined the gospel that needed to be preached to all nation pretty much in line with Billy Graham and others like him. We used the 4 Spiritual Flaws as a guide to help people realize their abject sinfulness before a righteous and indignant God. This was, I suppose, to help them realize their guilt and fall on the mercy of the Court for justification and release.
What if our message was not exactly correct? I want to quote a fairly lengthy portion of Wright’s book:
“The power of the gospel lies not in the offer of a new spirituality or religious experience, not in the threat of hellfire (certainly not in the threat of being ‘left behind’), which can be removed if only the hearer checks this box, says this prayer, raises a hand, or whatever, but in the powerful announcement that God id God, that Jesus is Lord, that the powers of evil have been defeated, that God’s new world has begun. This announcement, stated as a fact about the way the world is rather than as an appeal about the way you might like your life, your emotions, or your bank balance to be, is the foundation of everything else.”
The gospel is God wins! Revelation is all about God wins! And, we are participants in God’s victory. The Kingdom, or reign, of God is all about…yeah, you guessed it…God wins!
We don’t need to pull on people’s heart-strings to manipulate some emotional reaction. God wins!
And, I think this is the important part, God is glad. God is not some wrathful curmudgeon just looking for the opportunity to squash humanity. He is a loving, benevolent Person, (but not human), that loves that which has been created through and because of God’s great love. Sound redundant? It is! God loved the cosmos, (re. all of creation), and as a result of God’s love, Jesus came and lived, died, and was raised from death so that God’s love could be realized by all of us. Pretty heady stuff!
Anyway, this is going to lead me to discuss some things I have heard recently from the pulpit of the church that I have been attending.
One question to ponder until then:
Does Jesus stand between humanity and wrath of God?

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Jesus…to save or to save

There has been a great deal published about what salvation means to evangelical Christians. Does it mean eternal life after death? What part of a person is thus “saved”? Does it mean “rescue” and can therefore apply to the present life?
As I wrote earlier, I want to spend some time with N. T. Wright’s book, “Surprised by Hope.” In it he stated that Jesus’ resurrection was not simply evidence of a posthumous life in heaven, nor just the hope of being resurrected like Jesus in a new earth yet to be revealed. There is another hope, and “intermediate hope…that comes forward from God’s ultimate future into God’s urgent present.” This ministry of the present toward those who are hurting and crushed by the cares and traumas of the present is not something that one must “tack on to the gospel as an afterthought.” It is what Jesus was doing. Luke 4:18-19 has become one of my favorite scriptures. It reveals the heart of God as it relates to people’s lives…right here; right now. It’s no “pie in the sky” look at life. It is the reality of bring the reign of God to bear in God’s good creation. As Wright put it, the people “saw him, (Jesus), saving people from sickness and death, and they heard him talking about a salvation…that would go beyond the immediate into the ultimate future.” For Jesus, salvation involved rescue from death into resurrected life, to be sure. But, it also involved rescuing those who were perishing in this present world, also.

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It’s been a long road

I have finally finished seminary. The seminary president said so at commencement. I’m pretty sure he would not be telling fairy tales about such things. Do I fell prepared? Perhaps more than I did 5 years ago, but not entirely. The more I learned, the more I realized I do not know. I guess that’s what scholarship is all about. There is always something more to learn, to know, to embody. I hope to be able to spend time with this blog now that my official studies are complete. I do intend to continue my education through audited classes, personal study, seminars, etc. But, I am now a Master of Divinity, whatever that is. I don’t feel like a master of anything at the moment. However, God has proven faithful and I’m sure that God’s will shall prevail.
I am currently reading, (again), N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Hope.” If you haven’t read it, please consider it for your summer reading list. I will touch on parts of it here over the next week or so.
Until next time, Shalom.

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Prayer tools

One area of Christian life and devotion that I hear people share their concerns about is prayer. There have been volumes written on the ‘how to’; ‘when to’; ‘where to’; etc. ad nauseum. The fact is that we have difficulty setting aside the time to pray. And, when we do find the time, we don’t always know what to do. Should we use a prayer list? intercede? supplicate?, (whatever the heck that is). Should we sit, stand, kneel, lay prostrate? Who knows?!? The scriptures reveal all of these and more. Fortunately, these questions have been asked throughout history, and some good practices have been developed. From time to time I hope to be able to find and share some things that may be of help in praying.
One thing that I have found very helpful is to use the form of the Daily Office. This has been practiced since the time that monasticism began to develop. While it may seem that it is too structured, structure can be a helpful thing to get us started. There are several online resources that can help. My favorite for the past couple years has been ‘The Daily Office” at
This combines daily scripture readings and prayers taken from the lectionary of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. I don’t follow everything found there exactly as written, but it does provide a good jumping off point for me.
I think that we should use whatever tools are available to us in order to bring ourselves into God’s presence. After all, that is the life of the Christian.
If anyone has other suggestions, please share them. We can use all the help we can get!

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Interesting Blog

I recently began to follow a blog by one of my professors, Dr. John Byron. It is at
I recommend this to any who have an interest in what’s being discussed in the world of
early Judaism and Christian scholarship.

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How little I know….

I am currently working on a project for school about Thomas Merton. This man was a Cistercian monk who lived at the Trappist monastery, Gethsemani, in Kentucky. The reason I chose this person out of many who are considered ‘contemplatives’ throughout the history of the Christian church was because of his apparent change of heart, or awakening, to the issues of his day. Today I learned something about this man of God that began to form my thesis. One cannot disassociate oneself from the fact of one’s own participation in humanity in a quest to become closer to the One who created humanity. In order to understand and engage the world, with its violence, greed, and sin, it is necessary to engage these very things that reside in our own heart! How difficult that is for those of us who find our security in lofty platitudes of spirituality. We talk about our journey to self-realization as if it’s the only journey being taken by anyone in the world. We defend our practices and understanding as if that was the only correct and true way to practice and understand. How blind we are! God is interested in God’s creation. We are a part of that. God is therefore concerned about us as we are…in the midst of that creation. We cannot become hermits who hide from the reality of the world. I think that we must live compassionately in concert with God’s purpose to redeem creation. Compassionately with other humans who are on the same journey as we.

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