Where to start…
“It was a dark, stormy night.”
No, no that’s no good.
“It was the best of…”
Oh, shit! That’s even worse!
Yesterday, my heart failed me.
You see, my eyes dragged it to
a place that it hadn’t been
in so many years. A place
that contains feelings of old
memories and longings long
thought dead and buried. Inter’d
within a stone tomb, stain’d taupe
Still, turning to dust.
But, I read your words and saw
Your face and with the sound of
a mighty, rushing wind their
lungs filled and faces flushed full
of new life! The tomb burst open,
the reincarnate walked out
into the sunlight of my
consciousness, mummy wrapped in
musty, moldy cloth.
“But, I thought that you were dead,”
I cried! As my heart began
to break open and the dam
behind my eyes burst. “Why now?
I am old and life-worn. Why
can’t you leave me alone? What
have I done that you who were
dead return to haunt me now?”
“You loved. You died. LIVE!”
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