Well, it’s day 2 of 2025. I would’ve written yesterday, but I had to work. Yeah, I’m back in the workforce. Actually, I started back in April of last year. I spent about 5 months working in the nursery at Petitti’s Garden Center. It was interesting and mindless work. Watering trees and shrubs, stocking new inventory, and dealing with overly privileged people with too much money on their hands. As I was seasonal help, my season ended just before Labor Day. In early October I began a stint at Giant Eagle in the bakery. I’m technically a “clerk.” That means that I slice the bread and package the other baked goods that the bakers bake. I deal with customers who want this or that which the bakers and decorators make. And, I get to clean up the messes that the aforementioned bakers, et al., make. It keeps me busy and provides added funds for things like books and music gear. So, all that to say that I’m at the bottom of the totem pole at GE. So, I got to work all day yesterday. Yippee.
This year I’ll probably keep working at something or other. Presumably, at GE, as there are only so many places where a feeble, old fart like me can work. Plus, I have no desire to do anything that could be considered “career track.” Been there; done that.
One thing that I am pursuing, though, I began in October. That is, I began the discernment process for entering into the Episcopal priesthood. Yeah, I know. “What the hell are you thinking, Helbert?!” Maybe I’m not thinking. Maybe just going with my gut on this. Ordained work has long been lurking in the dark recesses of my mind. I began consideration of that while yet in high school. I was all set to go to Malone College, (now Malone University), to pursue an undergrad that would prepare me for seminary. Well, as they say, “life happened” and that path was closed. However, the desire for that type of work never really left me alone. That’s why, in 2006, I began seminary at Ashland Theological Seminary. After 5 years of balancing work, family, and grad school I graduated in 2011 with a Master of Divinity. That pretty much made me a deep thinking person in debt. I have had the opportunity to teach some Bible stuff and occasionally stand in the pulpit and pretend to preach. That old desire for ordination kept sticking its nose up, though. So, I finally decided to check it out. The next couple of years will determine if this is truly something that I should pursue. That’s why they call it ‘discernment.’ So, we’ll see.
I’d like to say that I have 2025 all planned out. That Hope and I have set certain goals to work toward. Yeah, no. We haven’t. We kinda roll with what’s given us. Maybe take a trip here or there. Maybe do some home renovation. Maybe just sit and complain about all of the things that we’re not doing. We’ve really gotten pretty good at that.
I do hope to escape 2025 alive and well. The older I get, the more that becomes a matter of speculation. Such is the way of things.
For better or not, the calendar won’t stop flipping pages. At least, I’m fairly sure of that. I will continue to drop notes in this here blog thingy from time to time. Heck, I’m paying for this domain. I may as well us it. Much of what appears here will likely be mundane stuff. Like this post, for instance. Others will probably take a closer look at our shared “Human Condition” in this time in which we live. I hope to take deeper dives into faith and the Church and the Scripture. Since those things have occupied much of my life up to now. I’ve been reluctant to write stuff that I think may be “too religious.” I know that folks reading my rant and mad railings don’t share my beliefs. I worry about offending some and losing some followers. But, I’m pushing 70 and I’m finding more and more that I really don’t have too many “fucks” to give. So, be forewarned.
Anyway, that’s about all I have to say. My wife wants me to go look at fabric and sewing machines.
Ah, the life of the retired. But, not quite.