This weekend is a pretty special one for the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio. We will join together for our annual Diocesan Convention. Yeah, sounds exciting, right? Kinda like watching paint dry. But, it is important. We will set the agenda for the coming year as well as elect officers for various committees and such. It is truly like a big corporate meeting of stockholders.
This year, however, we will also be electing a new Bishop. Our current Bishop, The Right Reverend Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., is retiring in 2023. We will be choosing the person who will lead our diocese into the next chapter of our life together. And, in a way, we will also be actually choosing the direction of that next chapter. The person chosen will imprint her own life and character on who we are and where we go as a diocesan community.
Oh, did I mention that there are three candidates? And, they’re all women?
Not that it should matter, but in a highly patriarchal culture, electing women to the highest authority is both noteworthy and long overdue.
But, that’s not what I wanted to write about today. There are lots of others who are carrying that load.
This morning in prayer, I reflected on the choice we will make this Saturday. We’re fortunate in that all of the candidates are eminently qualified. So, in a way, we cannot lose. Whomever is elected will do an outstanding job as we move forward together. We’re also fortunate that we have clear choices. We will not be simply choosing who our favorite is out of 3 clones. They each have different character, temperament, strengths, and opinions.
So, who to choose? If all three are great choices, does it really matter who gets the nod?
Yeah, I kinda think it does. Let me explain…
Throughout my life following Jesus, I have been lead by men, (it’s always men, amirite?), who were alpha males and authoritarian control-freaks. They ran our church(es) with iron hands and would not entertain any questions to their decisions. After all, wasn’t Jesus the Lord over His disciples? Didn’t Paul and Peter and James hold the early church to strict adherence to their rule? These men made sure that their idea of what being a christian was enforced as the ‘Only Way to be a True Christian.’ Any deviation was met with swift rebuke.
However, for the last few years I’ve experienced a different sort of leadership. I’ve been blessed to work with a person who seems to trust God with much of what we do. He has been a pastor and shepherd, to be sure. But, he hasn’t told us how we sheep should chew our grass. For the first time in my life in Jesus, I think that I’m experiencing what some call Servant Leadership. While he knows clearly and accepts his position and responsibility, he also seems to understand, when the people are doing well and are happy, so is the church. And, so is his job, I’m sure.
The reason I mention this at all is because that is the choice we have this weekend. While all three candidates are good ones, only one has revealed a Servant’s heart. The other two will certainly be good. Much will get done in the diocese. Many very good things. But, only one, I think, will bring life to the position. Life that she will share with all of us who live and work in our churches.
Back in the early 1970s folks carrying signs with those words were ubiquitous. You couldn’t go to a concert or sporting event without someone taking advantage of the crowd to preach this message. The world was in a time of crisis then. The Cold War with the U.S.S.R. The hot war with Viet Nam. Hippies and Straights. Blacks and Whites. It was a period of our history fraught with fear and uncertainty.
Enter the Apocalyptic religious folks.
They stoked our fear with the threat of Divine destruction looming just over the next hill. In many ways, all of these fears and threats lead directly to the Jesus Movement of that era.
Times have changed a bit since then.
Although there are still many potentially existential threats in the Wide World, much of the imminent threat has passed.
The idea of “Repentance” has also morphed a bit. It no longer has that feel of immediacy that it once had. Recently, the priest of the church that I attend preached a sermon on repentance. He shared the fairly common trope about how sin can creep into our lives. So, we need to repent of that. In fairness, the main thrust of the sermon was that God is always, always, always eager and ready to Forgive! But, the underlying text is that we are first sinners in need of forgiveness. So, repent!
While I don’t disagree with this particular take on the topic, I do think that it is sorely lacking. There is much more nuance and meaning in the simple word “repent” than many consider.
A literal look at the language used in the Biblical text reveals a multivalent meaning. In Hebrew there are primarily two words that we translate “repent.” One of them carries the meanings of being sorry or moved to pity or compassion for someone else. In the book of Judges states, “for the LORD was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed and afflicted them.” In this text the Lord was “moved to pity.” That’s how the word was translated. Another meaning does hold on to the meaning of sorrow for one’s own actions. This would involve suffering grief for things done or not done to or for others and ourselves. That seems to be more in line with our traditional understanding of the word. The same word can also mean to comfort and console someone.
Another word in the Hebrew text carries the idea of “turning back,” “to return,” or “to withdraw.” The Prophet Isaiah uses it to say, “In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength.”
In the New Testament the language is much the same. The primary word carries the meanings of changing one’s mind, to have remorse for an action, or to turn about and change direction.
The 1st century Jewish historian, Josephus, gives an example of how this language was used and understood at the time that the New Testament was written. There was a brigand in Galilee who Josephus went to try and chill. This guy tried to kill Josephus, but the plot failed. So, Josephus got this person aside and he told him,
“that I was not ignorant of the plot which he had contrived against me…; I would, nevertheless, condone his actions if he would show repentance and prove his loyalty to me. All this he promised…”
This use of “repentance” simply meant that the brigand would stop stirring up shit and align himself with Josephus.
So, why do modern preachers and believers jump straight to “Sin” when they think of repentance? What is it that causes good intentioned folks to stand in front of a group of others and say, “You Must Repent!”? I remember back in the days of the commune that I lived in, if anyone said something that countered on of the Elders, the first word out of that Elder’s mouth was “Repent!” That one word has caused more confusion and fear among good people than it should.
I think that it would be far better if we used language that’s not so bogged down with garbled, theological baggage. We can use words like “return” or “withdraw” or “change your mind.” These don’t immediately conjure images of a wrathful deity with a finger ready to push the “Smite” button. Using better language may allow folks to actually stop and think. Perhaps, to take stock of what they think and do rather than smacking them upside the head and telling them that they are wrong and had better Repent!
I’m not sure why I wrote all of this. I guess it’s just a vent. After all, this is my blog and I can pretty much say what I want. But, I think that there are others out there who have a misguided idea of one of religions more misunderstood and loaded words. If only one reader finds some freedom from this, then I’m good with that.
How many of us have had conversations about justice for someone who committed a crime? I’m sure that there was mention of “he got what he deserved,” or “she didn’t MEAN to shoot him! Why should she be punished”? We all seem to default to some need to exact a fair retribution for any type of wrongdoing. When I was a kid in school I was told to get good grades or I could expect to be grounded. When I was was disrespectful to adults, well, “just don’t do it.” On a larger scale, the criminal justice system in the U.S. is built upon the bedrock of “do the crime; do the time.” All of this seems completely correct. Tit for tat; turn about is fair play; you slap me, I’ll punch you. That’s the way it should be. Right? After all, doesn’t the Bible prescribe this? An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. We could probably spend a lot of time discussing the exegesis of the texts that mention those. But, that’s not the purpose of this post. Nor, is the purpose to critique the U.S. criminal justice system.
I have the privilege of leading Bible studies at the church I attend. I try not to make them like the typical studies that are held in many churches. I don’t tell people what to think or believe. I certainly don’t tell them how they should live their lives in some “godly” manner. Hell, I don’t even know how to do that myself! I try to let the text speak for itself. Exegesis means to “read or lead out.” So, what I try to do is let the text “lead” me toward any meaning or interpretation. Of course, total objectivity is impossible. But, it’s important to try to be as objective as possible so as not to imprint my own world view or interpretation on the text. In our study group this is important because some of the texts deal with negative ideas. Every time we read something about God’s wrath or some kind of holy retribution many in our group are taken aback. They wonder how God, as revealed in Jesus, could ever do anything like that. After all, aren’t the Gospels pretty clear in revealing God’s unlimited love for the world? However, our experiences in life don’t back up that gilded image of Christ the lamb-carrier. Rather, we see everyday how wrong is punished. When we question that, we are invariably told “Well, the Bible tells us to.” So, if God practices retributive justice, so should we.
But, is that an accurate understanding of God?
Notice that I didn’t write “understanding of how God works.” No, the question of justice and love cut to the very heart of Who God Is. God’s very character is seen in how God acts. By the way, that’s how it works with people, too. Like James wrote, “Y’all can tell me about your faith all day long. I’ll show you my faith by what I do” (James 2:18 my paraphrase). So, we tend to view God by what we see, or read, God doing. And, Lawd A’Mighty! There are a lot of examples of God’s wrath wreaking havoc among humanity. I’m not going to list them here. Just consider all of the folks alive at Noah’s time before and after the flood. Not a great ending for all but, what, eight people and a menagerie of critters. In our journey through the Book to the Hebrews, we have read about the people who left Egypt with Moses. They came to the very border of God’s promised land. Then, they forgot all of the things that they had witnessed. The plagues in Egypt; the Red Sea parting; the fire and cloud on Mount Sinai; God’s provision of bread and drink in the desert…all forgotten. God told them that because of the lack of trust they would all perish in the desert. Well, all except two. We read about how “vengeance is mine” and “it’s a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.” These texts met with diverted looks and head shaking. Again, how could a loving God do such things? I admit that much of what we read in the Bible is troublesome. If I know that such violence and anger is wrong, how could God not? If God’s moral compass seems more skewed than mine, why should I follow God at all? There are a couple things to consider. The first one I’m not going to dwell on now. That’s a topic for another post. But, it goes like this. The Scriptures are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Both in their creation and their canonization. However, they are all wholly human documents. Written by specific people for a specific reason, intended for reading by other specific people. That’s not to belittle God’s inspiration. That’s just the way it is. As such, they will contain all of the humanness and worldview of those writing. The End. The other consideration for these raw stories’ inclusion in Holy Writ is one not usually thought of by many, (most?), believers. That is because of the rhetorical impact of the stories. In the above examples from Hebrews, the writer wanted to make a point. He used the story of the Israelites’ failed entrance into the Promised Land to implore his readers to “Not. Be. Like. Those. People.” I would suggest that the original story may have had that idea behind it. The point is to remain faithful and trust God and you will reach the reward. Don’t be like those who don’t trust. The effect is motivation to stay the course. The same thought is behind the other statements. They are not statements that describe God as angry and wrathful. The statements were made in the context of people acting faithlessly in the face of God’s promises. Don’t be like them! That begs the question, “well, what about ‘those people’?” Isn’t God still portrayed as the big bully who gets his boxers in a bunch when people don’t do exactly what God says? Not really. Does any hypothetical example require a physically real expression? Of course not! Nor do the writers of the Scriptures need to be reporting about actual behaviors of so-called sinners and apostates in order to draw conclusions from what may be their actions. This rhetorical tool may be found in many other portions of the Bible. The writers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, tell of dreadful possibilities and outcomes in an attempt to persuade their hearers to take a preferred path in their lives. Do this! Don’t be like those people who didn’t. I know that there are lots and lots of folks who will take issue with these thought. That’s ok. I don’t need to be right. But, I do need to be consistent in my claim that Jesus Christ is the only true representation of Deity. Through what I read in the Gospels about Jesus, I think that my position is a solid one.
I haven’t worn a watch in over 25 years. I guess, maybe, I’ll need to start. Or, not.
The past couple of years have been, well, let’s just say, challenging. From antagonistic politics to the corona virus we have all had to make adjustments to our thinking. These are obstacles that we have had to navigate as a community. At least, most of us have tried to act like we are our sisters’ and brothers’ keepers.
Other changes have been more personal.
Two years ago I was looking forward to retirement. I spent nearly 50 years in the printing industry. The last 30 were at the same place. I had made the necessary arrangements with my financial advisor. My wife and I were preparing ourselves for the new stage of our relationship that was just 3 months away.
Then, in early February…cancer.
A routine colonoscopy revealed stage 1 cancer. Immediately life changed. Instead of preparing for a happy transition into retirement turned into preparation for colon surgery. Those who have shared some of this journey with me know that the process did not go smoothly. What should have been a simple surgery turned into 4 surgeries and several months of unplanned-for shit. Literally.
Still, I had the end of my career to shine a bit of light on things. Even with an ostomy I could look forward to my last day of work. There was the pizza party with cake and cards and stuff that accompanied all retirements.
Then, enter Covid 19.
The last month of my time at work turned into isolation and working from home. At that time I had not seen my coworkers for a bit over a month because of the surgeries. So, I spent the last week and half sitting in my home office monitoring things while the person who was taking my place got a baptism of fire. April 1, yeah, April Fools’ Day, was my first day of retirement. March 31 should have been my final day at work with all the festivities of saying Good Bye and Good Luck. Instead, one day melded into the next. There was no mixed-feeling send off. I had no opportunity to really say good-bye to folks. Some of them I had worked beside for nearly 30 years. No pizza. No cake. No cards. No nothing.
Just gone.
So, why cry about that now?
Last month the owner of the company I worked for passed. He was a large person and a larger personality. Those of us who had the pleasure of working for him gathered for a final goodbye. I was happy to see so many of my old work friends. Some I hadn’t really seen since before my surgery. Something was off, though. I felt myself firmly on the outside. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, the only thing that we really had in common was work. And, I was no longer working. It could have been all my imagination, too. Whatever, there was definitely a schism. And, I felt it.
It seems that while we share time and experiences with others there is a very real community. Our common goals cement us into a family-like organism. We consider one another sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers. All of those dynamics keep us coming back day after day. Then, one day, everything is changed. The family still exists. However, the one who leaves is no longer a member. Oh, I know that some will disagree with this. For those I can only way, “Wait. You’ll see.”
Just before Christmas I received that watch shown at the top of this post. It’s the one I should have gotten on my last day. But, of course, that wasn’t possible. We were isolated, remember? So, apparently it sat, wrapped, in the desk of the HR manager. That is until we saw each other at a funeral and she remembered and decided to ship it to me. (Still no pizza or cake)
There is currently a bill in Congress, H.R. 5, that is commonly referred to as the “Equality Act.” This bill is designed to add protections for LGBTQ people to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill. It’s description is “To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes.” I’m not going to dwell on the content of the bill. Y’all can read it yourselves here. What I am going to write about is the response that many conservative, religious folks are saying about the bill. Well, actually, I’m not going to discuss so much THEIR responses as much as I am going to respond TO them. In particular, I am going to single out Sen. Mitt Romney, (R-Utah), for his response. Like so many others, Romney has seemed to be a voice of sanity among all of the craziness of conservative politics. But, under the veneer of moderation he is still far to the right of moderate. The Equality Act was introduced into the House last week on the 18th. Later, a spokesperson for Sen. Romney released the following statement: “Sen. Romney believes that strong religious liberty protections are essential to any legislation on this issue, and since those provisions are absent from this particular bill, he is not able to support it,” said Arielle Mueller, a Romney spokesperson, via email to the Washington Blade in response to an inquiry on the Equality Act. For several years people have tried to cloak their personal biases and opinions under the mantle of “Sincerely held Religious beliefs.” This is pretty much what Romney said. People who believe in various religious texts say that those texts prohibit them from agreeing to certain practices or beliefs of others. In this case, they cite a Biblical prohibition of homosexuality and “clear” statement that God created two distinct genders in all species. Ok, I’m not going to address the religious side of this. I could. And, I could present opposing views of the very same texts that they allude to. That’s the nature of Biblical interpretations. That’s what they are; Interpretations. No, I want to go in a different direction. I want to talk about what may be referred to as the “accidents of nature.” Or, perhaps, even as Acts of God. I currently live in a middle-class American suburb. I have a house and a garden. I own a car and have time to write silly blog posts. I wasn’t born into a developing nation where houses are patchworks of whatever materials I can forage. Where such things as running water and sanitation services are non-existent, let alone computer or internet access. I don’t think that anyone would argue that the above is an accurate account of an Accident of Nature. I had nothing to do with where I was born. Nor, did the individual in that other culture. We both have privileges and lacks in both. For those who like to explain things in terms of Divine Providence, I was Providentially born into the life that I now have. Now, let me ask you. Is the fact that some are born left-handed an Accident of Nature? Of course they are. They had no say in the fact that they have a gift that is divergent with the majority. How about people who may be born with a cleft palate? Are these folks somehow responsible for this? Did they choose to be born this way? Of course not! It’s obvious that somewhere in their development something happened that allowed them to develop this particular trait. My wife is a nurse. She tells me stories about children who are born with any number of issues. Some have a hole in their heart that needs to be repaired surgically. Others have incomplete bowel development. All of them are what we could call Accidents of Nature. There is another condition that doesn’t get a lot of press. It is referred to as Intersexuality. This is a condition where a child is born with two sets of sexual organs. There may also be a difference in chromosome identity with the actual sexual organs present. A child born with female chromosomes who is born with apparent male genitalia would be an example. Some children are even born with both sets of genitalia. Many times at birth, the parents are asked to choose which gender the child should be. What if they make the wrong choice? What if their child with female chromosomes is surgically altered to give them a son? Even in nature such things may occur. Recently, I saw a news item about a cardinal that appeared to be half red and half white. They reported that this was in fact a bird that was two genders! I don’t share this because it gives credibility to Intersexuality in humans. It doesn’t. But, it does show quite clearly that Accidents of Nature happen! Let’s take this discussion a step further. What if a child’s genetics are clearly male and there biological sex is also physically male. Now, let’s suggest that as this boy grows up his body produces hormones differently from other boys. This is all hypothetical, mind you. And, let’s say that these hormones, that would naturally cause this boy to find the female body attractive, are different. In his case they cause him to find pleasure in the male body. In fact, just as I am attracted to females, his attraction is to males. He desires another male in whom he can confide and grow with; another Person with whom he can bond and love. That’s not a far-fetched idea. In fact, for millions, it is the reality of their lives. I share all of this to make the point that when people talk about LGBTQ issues, they are not talking about religion. There is nothing religious about an Accident of Nature. Unless, of course, you want to call it an Act of God. No, this entire issue is about Civil Rights. It’s about the unalienable right guaranteed in our founding documents that are granted every citizen. So, Mr. Romney, in framing the Equality Act in religious terms, you are making a horrible category error that threatens the lives and livelihoods of millions of your fellow citizens. Many of whom are your co-religionists. I urge you, and all other Senators to truly engage in these issues and set aside biases and bigotries that hurt rather than heal.
I’ve often heard folks say, “the writing of history belongs to the victor.” There are few people who would disagree with that. After all, how many white people in the U.S. were aware of “Juneteenth” before 2020? Does anyone know what the Lakota People call the Battle of the Little Big Horn? (ans.: Battle at the Greasy Grass. You can Google it yourself.) The inherent danger in the victor producing the main accounts of history, is that there is only One Side accounted for. We get to see all of the honor and courage of those on the winning side. While, at the same time, the cowardice and shame of the defeated is illuminated. In every event, whether armed conflict, economic systems, religion, or you insert the name, those whose effectiveness in arms or wealth or prestige are the ones who tell the story. A case in point are the recent post that I shared on the Civil War. In school we were taught that the war was fought over the issue of slavery. That’s one part of the story. That’s the part of the story that raises the honor of the White government and army so that they are considered “liberators.” The blood shed on the battlefield won a great victory for the benevolent people who had all of the power. See? We’re not all vicious slavers. Not All White People Are Like That! Yet, while it’s absolutely true that many White Americans had purely altruistic motives, the actual Powers-That-Be were those who controlled the economy. These folks’ sole interest was in expanding their own wealth and influence. Hardly praise-worthy. But, that’s a part of the story we don’t hear. It places the integrity of the Victors in a negative light. They all want to be known as Lovers of Liberty. Not, the lovers of money that they actually were. So, that leads me to another saying that has been tossed around by folks. “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” First, just let me go on record of calling Bullshit on that. What? Well, it is! Again, I would like to throw out the possibility that even this saying is the product of the imagination of the victors. Of course, they desire that people remember what has gone on before! They, themselves, know all about the circumstances that led to their own acquisition of power and honor. They know all too well about how they had to fight to gain, or retain, the economic and political power they now hold. And, they don’t want their own to forget that struggle. For if they do, they realize that someone else might step into the role that they had and fight for their own power and honor. That would, somehow, diminish them. The main reason that I call Bullshit on that saying, though, is because it simply isn’t true. History doesn’t repeat. History is literally just part of the continuum of time that has led the World to this point. It only seems repetitive because human nature is always the same. So, we continue to see the same concerns and struggles that have been part of humanity ever since our forebears climbed out of the trees of Africa and built community on the ground. It only seems to repeat because the victors are always fighting the same battles over and over again and recording their victories. Reality, though, tells a far different story. A story that the victors don’t even realize is alive and well. It is a story that is not only ignored, but in many cases violently subdued. It is the story that we see embroiling cultures and societies around the globe. I call it an Affective History. This is the long, term lived history of people. An example: Chattel slavery in the U.S. is a historic fact. It happened during a finite period of time from the first African slaves that were sold in Jamestown 1619 until the 13th amendment to the constitution was ratified in 1865. What we were never taught in school, and which has only recently appeared on people’s radar, is how almost 250 years of bondage Affected the humanity of African slaves. We heard about Reconstruction, Carpet Baggers and others like them. Most of us probably heard in passing that ex-slaves were promised “40 acres and a mule” upon emancipation. What we didn’t hear was how that promise, like so many others the U.S. government made, never happened. No one ever explained how the Southern states began in 1878 to dismantle Reconstruction and resurrected their power over African Americans through Jim Crow. Yeah, we heard about those things. But, we were never privy to how this Affected those who felt the effects of racial hatred. The Civil Rights Movement in the 50s and 60s certainly resulted in more legal rights for African Americans. White folks grudgingly gave in to many of the demands of the oppressed. That is until they could find ways to get around them. Jerry Falwell, Sr. is just one example of many who began private schools for whites only in order to exclude people of color. This lasted until 1983 when the Supreme Court upheld IRS rules that removed tax exemptions for those donating to private schools that were segregated by race. Even that little bit of history, while it appears to put White racism in its place, doesn’t tell how this Magnanimous offering to racial minorities actually Affects those minorities. I’m sure that if we put our heads together we could add countless examples of how events in history currently Affect people. Women, Indigenous, African, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslims, and on and on and on. How have people been Affected by the stories that the victors are privileged to tell? It’s past time to hear history, and life, as told by these.
The year was 1865. The Civil War had just ended at Appomattox. Slavery was officially dead in the U.S. Finally! Now, came the hard work of Reconstruction. The South was completely destroyed during the war. Not only was it physically bruised and burned, but all of the institutions that had grounded the entire culture had been crushed. As I look back on that time I can’t help but wonder, how did things after the war turn out like they did? How is it that African Americans are, in so many ways, still in bondage? The official Reconstruction period lasted a mere 12 years. During that time from 1865 to 1877 Blacks were elected to public office. Ex-slaves became bankers and lawyers and farmers. The future really was beginning to look up. Then, form 1878 until, well, it’s not really over yet, Jim Crow was born and has lived as a shadow on the land blotting out the sunlight and bring death and hatred in its wake. What happened that caused the nation to turn its back on those whose backs the country had been built upon? Last week I mentioned an essay written by Matthew Karp and published in Catalyst. (Except where indicated, all quotes are from Karp’s essay.) In it he provided some insights into how the anti-slavery movement in the North became a political movement that enabled it to gain the power of State that ultimately led to the War. In order to do that a political party was formed in the middle of the 19th century: The Republican Party. The party was formed in order to end slavery in the U.S. be wresting Washington from the rich landowners from the South. Those landed few were painted as oligarchs who wanted to expand their holdings across the country. And, in many ways, it appears that they weren’t far from the mark. Frederick Douglass wrote in a memoir about the place where he was held in servitude. It was a large plantation in eastern Maryland. The owner, Col. Edward Lloyd, sat as the royal head of his domain. His holdings included at least 20 outlying farms with all of the necessary masters and overseers for his, according to Douglass, 1,000 slaves. By all accounts, Col. Lloyd was extremely wealthy. There was no law other than that uttered by Lloyd. He was a member of that undisputed aristocracy that ruled over what amounted to a feudal system in America. These landed few desired nothing more than to retain all that they had and to expand it. In the North, however, the Industrial Revolution was at full steam. Capitalists were flexing their muscles and gazing about looking for their own ways to expand. In order to do this, though, they needed labor. And, in the North, that was a substantial expense. Workers needed to paid for their efforts. While, south of the Mason-Dixon Live, labor was free. As I wrote earlier, it seems that aside from a vocal minority, anti-slavery sentiment in the North was not wide spread. Most people simply weren’t affected by it. So, they paid little attention to what happened ‘away down South.’ The Republicans needed a way to get the majority population in the North on board a political program that could sweep away the powerful minority of the South who controlled the government. So, they developed a strategy that would pit Freedom against Slavery. Karp wrote,
“Above all, Republicans depicted the battle against slavery as a species of class struggle — a social war not simply between slaves and masters, but between the overwhelming majority of Americans and a tiny aristocracy of slave lords who controlled the federal government.” William Seward described the battle lines succinctly. He “lambasted slaveholders as a ‘privileged class,’ which he later refined into a ‘property class,’ akin to the patricians of Rome and the landlords of Europe.”
By framing the issue this way, the Republicans were able to turn the apathy of many in the North into a political advantage to unite Northern voters behind their party. Seward stated that the divide was not between North and South, but
“between ‘labor states,’ subject to democratic self-government, and ‘capital states,’ where master-class barons monopolized political and economic power, quashed free speech, and organized all society around ‘the system of capital in slaves.’”
I considered all of these statements and began to see that, while there were many in the North who considered slavery a moral stain of evil on the whole country, many more were simply concerned with the economy and their own well-being. Concern for the welfare of the Black slave was secondary to the security of white labor. Newspapers at the time captured the prevailing sentiment of many Northerners.
“Southern masters, declared a Cleveland newspaper, ‘enslave the blacks, not because they are black, but because they are laborers — and they contend that the highest civilization demands that the laboring class should be subjected and owned by the ‘higher class.’”
“The election of 1856, argued a Republican editor in Pittsburgh, was ‘not a contest of races, but a contest of institutions.’ It was a fight ‘between the Slave-holding Oligarchy, on one hand, who desire to introduce slave labor and slave institutions into Kansas, and the laboring white people of the country opposed to slavery … who wish to introduce Free Labor.’”
These are things that we were never taught in school. We were told that the North went to war to free the slaves. We heard about abolitionists who risked their lives to rescue enslaved Blacks and conduct them safely into the Promised Land where the Freedom Bell Rang. No, not really. As with so much in our lives, it all came down to the almighty dollar. All of this revealed to me the reasons that Reconstruction failed and Jim Crow was allowed to live and breathe in BOTH the South and the North. It explained this quote that is on the wall beneath the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. written by the Great Emancipator himself. In response to an 1862 op-ed written by Horace Greeley, Lincoln wrote,
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”
Charles, Mark and Soong-Chan Rah, Unsettling Truths:The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery, IVP, 2019, p.144
Africans stolen from their homeland and dragged across the Middle Passage where they were sold as if they were cattle or hogs; who were bred and traded as chattel; who were beaten and abused; who were broken and despised. They were eventually freed, not for the sake of their personhood nor their standing before God. But, because it appeared to be for Lincoln, a necessary concession and politically expedient. Is it any wonder that African Americans are still treated as secondary? Greater still, is it any wonder that the African American community is, to this day, a place where hope is dimmed by the lived reality of human beings who live in fear and want? I am beginning to see why these communities erupt in violence. Places where not even their own community members are secure against the frustrations that a life of hopelessness can create. When your people have lived for over 400 years under the yokes of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and derision how are you supposed to live? Yet, these people, people who bear the Light and Likeness of God within them, continue to love God and, like Jesus before them, love those who persecute them and treat them like second class citizens. These questions I’ve held in my heart and mind since I was young. The history that we were taught didn’t add up to the reality that I saw outside of my front door. Matthew Karp’s piece helped to illuminate the dark corners where those questions have laid all these years. It’s not too late for the U.S. to do the right thing and finally free those who have had a white boot on their necks for far, far too long.
I don’t usually write much on Sunday. I take that whole day of rest thing pretty seriously. Mostly, just because I need it! I stay pretty busy during the week. So, when Sunday comes along I try to kick back and enjoy it. I find it good for my body and mind. Today, however, I want to share something simple that came to mind this A.M. The Gospel lection for today was from the Gospel According to Matthew. The selection was from the story just after Jesus had fed a huge crowd of people with only a few fish and a couple of loaves of bread. It goes:
22 Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. 23 And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24 but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. 25 And early in the morning he came walking toward them on the sea. 26 But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” 28 Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 33 And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Mt 14:22–33). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Now, I’ve read this passage and heard preachers talk about it far too many times to recount. They talk about how life is like the storm that Jesus can calm. Some really bad songs have been sung about that. These folks like to talk about how Pete would have been just fine if he had just “kept his eyes on Jesus” rather than allowing himself to be distracted by the wind and waves. There are the classic ones that speak to Pete’s lack of faith. “We must not lose faith like Peter did!” they say.
These are all well and good. There is a whole lot packed into these few verses. And, all of those options for sermon material, and much more, are viable.
There is one thing hidden in there that I had never noticed before. And, like I said, I’ve heard and seen a lot in this passage over the years. When I was in seminary I had a professor who introduced me to a certain way of reading the Greek text. No, I’m not going to give you a Greek lesson. But, I think this is kind of neat for getting a handle on the above passage. While studying Paul’s Letter to the Church at Rome we came to a verse that is traditionally translated, “Faith in Jesus.” A believer must have faith in Jesus in order to be saved. Simple. All of the old theologians and Bible folks agree on that. I learned, however, that because of the way Greek works, there is another way to read these texts. This way would render the translation, Faith of Jesus.” See the difference? In one, Jesus is the Object of our faith. In the other, Jesus is the subject of faith. Another way to read it would be that we are saved by the “Faithfulness” of Jesus.
When I learned that my eyes lit up! I’m sure that everyone in the class could see that giant light bulb pop on above my head! Suddenly, so much clarity came to me that I just sat there with my teeth in my mouth and my bare face hanging out.
So, this morning as I listened to our Priest’s homily on the above text that light bulb went off again. This time it was an LED, not incandescent. I saw Peter step out of the boat. I imagine him thinking that if Jesus can do this, so can I. Lo and behold! It worked! He stood on the water! Then, he lost it and began to sink. He cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Jesus immediately reached out an caught him. They got into the boat and the weather became calm.
Did ya see what happened there?
Peter lost sight of Jesus and floundered. Jesus reached to him and lifted him up. Jesus saved him. This had nothing to do with Pete’s faith in Jesus. I imagine the only thing that Pete was thinking about was not drowning. In total panic mode I doubt that he stopped to think, “Ok, ok…I believe, I believe, I believe!” No, he was probably think, “Oh My God! I’m gonna die right now!”
Jesus lifted Peter out of the water because Jesus had faith. Not Pete. It was the Faith of Jesus that saved Peter that day. And, it’s that same Faith of Jesus that still saves today.
Since I retired from active employment a few months ago, I have found myself with more time to read, study, and think about a great many things. One topic that has truly taken up residence within a deep crevasse in my mind is Racism. White folks like me usually shy away from this. We don’t like confrontation with a violent and oppressive past that none of us ever experienced. For many of us, our forebears didn’t even emigrate to the U.S. until well after the Civil War had decided the fate of chattel slavery once and for all. How, then, can we be held accountable for any of that foul history that still rises as a stench, like the gases that seep upward from a long ignored landfill, over this land? For those of you who know me can attest, I am not afraid to ask questions. Nor, am I afraid to confront the answers that I find. With that in mind, I’m going to share a few thoughts. Take them for what they are, simply my musings. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about something called systemic racism. For many of us that’s simply stating the obvious. While I don’t endorse everything that was stated in the NYT “1619 Project,” one thing stands out. The United States owes a great deal of its economic wealth and strength to the fact that it enjoyed over 200 years of free labor through the institution of African slavery. There is no doubt about that. We enjoy what we have as a direct result of the economic structures that were erected, particularly during the early 19th century, that have allowed the U.S. to become one of the two most powerful economies that the world has ever known. So, it’s no wonder that many states in the South fought tooth and nail to preserve that institution. However, while the institution of chattel slavery was the most publicly voiced reason for the South to challenge the U.S. government. It was not the only one. To be clear, the South was clearly pissed off that the North was trying to tell them what to do. That’s where the claim that the war was simply about the rights of States to govern their own affairs. Yet, as I read through some of the Articles of Secession from those states, I found one common theme. That theme can best be shown by a quote from Mississippi’s Articles:
“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.”
Please note how slaves are spoken of in this quote. They are “products” and “material interest.” Nowhere are they considered human beings who share in the inalienable rights of all people. No. They are property and objects over whom white landowners have complete control. PLEASE NOTE THIS! From the position of the Southern states the so called “War Between the States” was all about slavery. That may seem obvious to most of us who took high school history. There were chapters in our books that at least mentioned that slavery was the primary issue that sparked the fire that burned half of the nation. However, there are other concerns and forces that were in play at the time that we were not taught. These are the kinds of things that the publishers of history books conveniently tend to overlook. (Like how the Indigenous People of the continent were abused and killed and dislocated for the benefit of white expansion. But, that’s a topic for another time.) I owe much of the insight for the next part of this post to an article written by Dr. Matthew Karp, Ph.D. in the Catalyst titled “The Mass Politics of Antislavery.” Dr. Karp is teacher at Princeton University. His area of study and expertise is the U.S. Civil War era and it’s place in the world of the Nineteenth Century. Humans really like to simplify things. Keep It Simple Stupid is our mantra for pretty much anything and everything we think or do. Evolution may have helped us in this. I can imagine our ancient ancestors in Africa saying, “Ok. You run straight out there and grab the fruit. Then come straight back. Maybe that tiger won’t eat you.” Simple; straightforward; easy-peasy. As with all things, we like to think of complex issues like the Civil War in simple terms. It was all about slavery. Dr. Karp presents another take on things, though. A take that we may be able to relate to over 150 years later. (Note: All quotes are from that article by Dr. Karp in the Catalyst.) Like so many, many other things, we can be encouraged to Follow the Money. William Seward, yes THAT Seward, was also a staunch abolitionist. But, his reasons were not all about the human cost of slavery. He seemed to be more concerned about politics and economics. In an 1850 speech he stated,
“So long as slavery shall possess the cotton-fields, the sugar-fields, and the rice-fields of the world,so long will Commerce and Capital yield it toleration and sympathy.”
Linking Northern economic concerns to slavery in the South alone would make doing away with slavery, at best, difficult. We all know how hard it is today to ask people to give up anything in order to benefit the “Other.” Seward saw the need to build a political consensus that would necessitate the erasure of slavery. He stated how developing that consensus might look and how it could be employed in that same speech,
“Emancipation is a democratic revolution.”
Dr. Karp explained that by
“Likening the struggle against American slavery to the struggle against European aristocracy, Seward argued that any challenge to the power of the slaveholding class must come through mass democratic politics.”
Seward, and others, would need to show that the Economy of Slavery was incompatible with, and hostile to, our American democracy. As I reflected on this, I began to see how Seward’s attempt to spin the story about slavery was both politically expedient and wise. While slavery had been debated ever since the Continental Congress sat down to consider the future of the American colonies, it had always been pretty much a local issue. There were states, like Massachusetts, where Black folks fleeing the horrors of slavery could go without much fear of being sent back into that dark world of the lash. Other states chose to abide by the Fugitive Slave Act that required runaway slaves be returned to their “rightful owner.” There was a degree of ambivalence among much of the population of the U.S. concerning slavery. Too many people benefited by the institution of slavery for Emancipation to be a ‘slam-dunk.’ The complexity of the issue was a threat to the very Democracy that was still trying to find its way in the world. The questions that I have revolve around “How was this a threat?” And, even if it was a threat, why should I think about that today? Are there issues from this period of the 19th century that are even relevant in the 21st? I will chase some of these questions in another post. Stay tuned!
The struggles that we share today are real. There truly is a virus that is turning societies around the globe upside down. Climate change is not an illusion. California is still burning. Unfortunately, so is Portland. I think that it’s safe to say that we could all use a break from these issues. Someone please stop the news cycle for just a couple days! Every day we see and hear people shouting at each other. Some of these people wear uniforms that designate the wearer as some authority. Police, Border Patrol, and who knows who else stand across streets with face masks and batons just waiting for someone to be foolish enough to challenge their authority. Other people, with bandannas wrapped around their faces and signs in their hands defiantly dare those authorities to bring it on. How can we defuse this? Is it even possible to change this destructive narrative and bring about some kind of end to it, let alone reconciliation? Maybe. But, it will require effort. The good news is, that effort can begin on one side of the issue. It doesn’t require everyone involved to be on board. In fact, one side may remain utterly opposed to any movement toward a peaceful settlement. I have written the past couple days about movements and people who have been instrumental in bringing about peace and reconciliation. They did it without compromising their goals or their principles. And, they changed their world. I wrote about the Voices of Ghandi and Dr. King. Their commitment to nonviolent resistance was unwavering as they confronted the injustices of colonialism and segregation. I mentioned Jesus and His love for those who used Him, rejected Him, and betrayed Him. That love truly did flip the world on its ear. All three of these people embodied a love for their enemies that I don’t see anywhere today. Yeah, some of the families of murdered African Americans offer forgiveness to those who snatched the life from their loved ones. But, there is no one, no Voice, calling out that love can actually happen. And, that love can actually change anything. “Really?” you may ask. “Show me.” On May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis, Derek Chauvin, an officer with the Minneapolis Police Dept. pressed his knee on the neck of George Floyd for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Long enough to snuff out the life of Mr. Floyd. Chauvin has remained, as far as I know, remorseful even after being charged with murder. Because of this heinous, willful act of violence a movement began to swell that has become a tsunami that threatens to sweep away oppressive systems that infect cultures worldwide. What will replace those, I wonder. If of violence, racism, and other oppressive systems which form the superstructure of cultures are removed, what will culture be built upon? These are questions for philosophers and people way smarter than I am. One thing is necessary, though, for any rebuilding. Love. Ok, how can I love someone like Mr. Chauvin? He has a violent past. He has abused his authority on multiple occasions. And, he has callously taken a life that was not his to take. God knows that’s a hard question. Maybe God can love someone like that! But, I ain’t God! I’ve written before about how conservative Evangelicals belie their hatred and bigotry in the way they view the “Other.” The current administration in Washington has built its entire worldview on “Othering” people. Mexicans, Muslims, and citizens in cities like Portland are portrayed as “Those People.” Sadly, people who live in the suburbs of the U.S. have recently been assured that the “Others” won’t bother them. In the pieces that I’ve shared I wrote that considering others as something ‘less than’ or something to be avoided or ignored is contrary to everything that I believe. It is also a foundational point in the one Book that so many people who claim to follow. The Bible calls out anyone who refuses to care for widows, orphans, and the foreigner living among you. While that is all completely true, is there something there that we can learn about people like that murderer in Minneapolis? How about those damned snowflakes on the left? Those Libtards that don’t know what the world’s really like. Oh, let’s talk about those racist bastards and their Confederate battle flags! A basket full of Deplorables for sure! What can we say about the 1%? All those greedy bastards do is take, take, take. Do you see what I did there? C’mon, look closely! That’s right! I never mentioned anyone’s name. I lumped them into vague categories that allows me to see them all a something less than human. How many acts of inhumanity have there been in history? How many of those were helped along by first dehumanizing their victims? “Those Jews are a threat to our pure, Arian race!” “Blacks aren’t intelligent enough to vote!” “Those Natives are a nuisance and must be erased!” Whenever ANYONE dehumanizes another, hatred and violence are not far away. Mr. Chauvin and people like him are the result of their culture. Just like you and me. Only, for him the influences created a person who has a skewed view of humanity. His world created him. In this way we can see him as a victim of the foul systems that pervade our world. And, because we also are victims of these same systems, albeit in differing ways, we may be able to find a degree of empathy. Must we forgive and forget what he did? No. We must never forget. And, forgiveness is not mine to give. He didn’t murder my loved one. But, we must be able to Love. Not some sappy Hollywood emotional crap. That’s not love. Love, agape, a verb is how we must move forward. There must be space given where Love can influence and, perhaps, reconciliation can happen. That will never be possible, though, as long as people use violence and hatred against one another. That’s why we NEED a VOICE that can be heard above the shouts and flash-bangs and the tear gas. That’s why we people need to put down their own personal vendettas and embrace the common good. I’m suggesting a position that is hard. Damned hard! But, Love is never the easy path to take. Just ask Ghandi, Martin, and Jesus.