White hot atoms form!
Where shall we build it?
Everywhere! Anywhere! Go!
And, so it was formed.
Every color and form.
All has arisen!
And, it was all Good!
It was Very Good!
As I’ve struggled with trying to discover an answer to my question, “Who Are You God…Really?” I was drawn to the initial spark that became the Cosmos. Who is God in relation to all that we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch? And, what does that have to do with me getting up every day and driving into the city to work? Or, returning home to family and responsibilities and, well, just “Life” stuff.
The short verse I wrote is built with 2 lines of 5 syllables followed by an exclamation.
Except for the end where the last 2 lines leave off into space where all sorts of possibilities live.
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