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Tag: #Bishop Budde

Proud To Be An Episcopalian

I know that I’m a little late to the party. I’m old. Give me a break.

Last week Episcopal Bishop of Washington, D.C., the Rt. Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde spoke at the National Cathedral. It was a special service for an interfaith service that was part of the transition of power. I didn’t watch it. Nor, anything pertaining to the inauguration. Just not interested. I did, however, hear the rumblings after the event. So many on social media, as well as the once well-regarded legacy media, were talking about this woman preacher who challenged Mr. Trump. I finally got to see the short sound-bite taken from the end of the sermon. Yeah, it was a gutsy move. But, I wanted to see the entire sermon in order to hear the context. For anyone who knows me, I am all about context, context, context. So, I sat down and watched it. I was truly impressed by the courage of this person. Yeah, she was preaching to a hostile audience. Yeah, she was concise and pointed in her remarks. Above all, though, she actually fulfilled her vocation. All followers are charged with speaking truth to power. Our leaders are especially responsible for this. However, it has been sorely missing from our pulpits. Those who follow Messiah Jesus have simply been sitting on our thumbs while our name and reputation have been hijacked by a militantly nationalist group of “believers.” I use quotation marks for that because the only thing they really believe in is their own lusts and desires. But, that’s a post for another time.

Bishop Budde did the right thing. Period. She spoke up for those with no voice. She proclaimed the Gospel of Love that Jesus spoke. She did it with fear and quaking. But, she did it.

I am proud to be an Episcopalian. Not just because of Bishop Budde’s remarks. But, because she has represented well what the Episcopal Church is becoming. It’s not where is should be by any stretch. Our history is rather sordid when it comes to our relationship with the halls of power. But, it seems that it is trying to live its repentance in real life. That’s a reason to be proud.

I’m sharing the full video of Bishop Budde’s sermon for those who want to see it in its entirety.

A quick note: The sermon should not simply be seen as a cheap political shot. Bishop Budde’s words are important for all of us to hear. None of us are blameless. All are guilty. So, don’t say or think that this was just for MAGA or Trump. These are word that we all should heed.

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