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Tag: #Confirmation


Well, it’s official.
I am now a confirmed Episcopalian.

Yesterday I was one of 10 adults who stood in front of the Church where a bishop laid hands on us and welcomed us.

It was a bit weird.
Part of the Confirmation was that we state our intent to take Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Well, that’s something that I did nearly 50 years ago.
So, I guess this was more like a re-commitment to follow Jesus within the context of the Anglican Church.
Ok, I’m good with that.

What is significant for me, though, is that I am now accepted into a tradition that is ancient, yet modern.
It is larger than me, yet as small as my faith.

I have searched for nearly a decade for a Church community that I could embrace, and would embrace me.
A Church Home that is welcoming and inclusive.
A place where the Spirit of God lives and gives life.
Somewhere that diversity is sought and celebrated.

I have found that, and more, at St. Barnabas.

So, here I am, old and feeble, with yet another new beginning.

What will the future hold?

I haven’t a clue.

But, in this moment I am glad to be walking with these people, at this place, in this hour.


Community…In Progress

Last night was the first of six confirmation classes at St. Barnabas. Eleven of us showed up for Episcopalian lessons. I was excited to be getting on with this. As I’ve written before, St. Barnabas is becoming a community where the Love of God is beginning to blossom and bloom.

As the class began we were all asked to share a bit about who we are and why we were at this particular church.
As we went around the room, each telling snippets of their personal journeys of faith, I was impressed with the diversity present.
There are women, men, young-ish, older, high church, low church, and everything in between.
Some were open and vocal. Others, reserved and quietly present.
Some of us came out of churches where toxic theology ate at our souls.
Others are simply seeking a place to call “home.”

One thing that we all seemed to share was a desire to be a part of a living, welcoming, diverse, and inclusive community where God’s love is openly shared with all.

Is that St. Barnabas?


This church is currently still in transition.
She is searching for her identity in the larger Body of Christ.
After all, this church has fairly recently gone through a major upheaval brought on by previous leadership. Upheaval that was painful and steeped in theological error.
Many people suffered…A Lot…because of the actions of those who were entrusted with the care of these people.

Fortunately, the leaders of the diocese were wise enough to provide emergency medical care to this parish. Over a period of several years they supported those few who were left behind after that messy split. They appointed interim leadership who provided the necessary treatment to stabilize the church.
A bit over a year ago a new Priest was called to help the community, now stable, to work to become healthy.
That’s where we are now.
A diverse, some may say Rag Tag, group of people who desire to live with one another and serve one another and the larger community in which we live.
We are people with scars and hurts and histories that would make the best fantasy novel seem like Dr. Seuss.
We are learning.
And, if we eleven who are beginning the journey in Confirmation class are an indication of the direction in which God is leading, well, let’s just say that this journey will be good.

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Well, tonight I begin the official process of becoming an Episcopalian. I have been attending a local parish for a bit over a year.
I had promised myself that I would spend a full year before making this leap. Over the course of that year I found a place to call ‘Home.’
I was kind of surprised to find the lively Presence of God there. I had come to this church with no expectations, really. I was simply looking for a liturgical church that I could show up to on Sundays. And, go back home on Sundays.
I knew that I would find Life in the Eucharist. There was no doubt about that. My own faith would carry me through that.
But, what I found was something well beyond my meager expectations.
I found a place where God seems OK with hanging out.
The people, simple folk, really seem to love each other. They even seem to LIKE each other!
Yeah! Go figure! Right?
So, tonight I, and several others, are beginning Confirmation classes.
Confirmation classes. Just like I went through when I was, what? 13?
Fortunately, everyone tonight will be adult.

Is this a lifetime commitment?
I don’t know.
But, for now, St. Barnabas will be my home.
I’m kind of excited about it.
It’s a new experience for me.

But, then again?

It feels like coming home.

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