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Tag: #hiking

Being With the Living God Where The Sky Begins

Back in the late 80’s we took the family on a camping road trip. We started at a Yogi Bear Jellystone camp at Niagara Falls in Canada. That was fun for a couple days. We saw the sights and rode the Maid of the Mist and got wet. Far out. After those couple of days it was time to move on. We had no idea where to go. Hey, it was a road trip! Don’t judge me! We wound up at a Good Sam’s park near Lake Placid, NY. We thought it might be a good idea to see the Adirondack’s. Plus, in the 80’s the Miracle on Ice from the Lake Placid Olympics was still fresh in everyone’s mind. It was almost a national shrine. So, we drove through town. We saw the ski jump training hills. As we drove through the hills and valleys there were numerous cross-country skiers training on their skis with wheels. I still can’t imagine the strength and stamina that those athletes have. I feel good when I can complete a 3 mile stroll through the suburbs!
Anyway, we got to the campground and set up the tent and everything. The first day we just scouted things out on the grounds. The rivers and streams that flow through there are amazing! Rivers that get squeezed down to flow through small fissures of rock create torrents that shoot out into the air before falling a small lake below. We went on a short boat ride through an area that was less than 20 ft. wide, yet maybe a hundred ft. deep. It was a truly amazing thing for a northern Ohio boy to see.
On one day we looked at the map of the region that we picked up at the park office. It showed several sites worth taking the time to visit. One of those was Bear Den Mountain. The trail head was less than a mile from the camp, so we decided that it would be an adventure. We started up the trail. It was a mild incline, so my wife, myself, and our kids, age maybe 7 & 8 didn’t think that it was too bad. Soon, the trail turned into the woods and the incline became noticeably steeper. Not too steep for us. But, still, it was a workout. We saw the large birch trees with claw marks scratched in them by the mountain’s namesake bears. The flies and gnats became a real pain in the ass, too. We picked fern fronds to wave in front of our faces to keep them at bay. By now, the kids were beginning to lose interest in this adventure. But, we could see the top. Or, so we thought. So, we kept trudging onward and upward. After we hiked past the first false top, we did finally get to the real summit. Now, you gotta understand that we had no idea what this little hike was going to be like. So, we had running shoes and shorts and short-sleeved shirts on. We were totally not dressed to climb a mountain. At the top the temperature was probably 20 degrees cooler than at the bottom. The wind was blowing and, well, it wasn’t all that pleasant. But, the view! Looking out at the mountains across a valley with their sheer granite cliffs and trees was unbelievable. I can’t begin to explain what I felt as I took in that panorama.
We soon left and headed down by another path. This time I had to carry my daughter on my shoulders because she was wasted. Eventually, we came out onto a ski slope with grass and wild strawberries growing. The slope was easier and we soon came back to the trail head.
That night we were awakened by son as he was losing his supper all over the inside of the tent. Apparently, our adventure was a bit much for him. As I sat in the restroom with him, my wife cleaned up the puke and set the soiled rags outside of the tent. When my son and I finally returned, my wife informed me that the rags she had put outside had been stolen by raccoons that ran off into the woods with them. Well, at least we didn’t need to wash them.
I shared all of this because this morning as I sat at my desk in prayer, I asked God where He would like to meet today. As soon as I asked we were at the top of Bear Den Mountain. We sat and looked out at that wonderful view. Jesus asked me what I thought. Of course, I was again rendered speechless by that view. He then told me that these mountains had been here for millions of years. Yeah, Jesus accepts science. He’s not one of those confused Young Earthers. Anyway, we wound up just sitting there. We didn’t talk about anything. We just sat together on the top of the world enjoying the view.
God isn’t concerned about our small beliefs that put God into little boxes made of ticky-tacky. Or, whatever. What God IS concerned about is being with us. God enjoys just sitting with us. Wasting time as we share the view. Over the last many years I’ve come to covet these moments with God.
And, there’s no puke to clean up after!

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