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Tag: #justice

What is Justice?

If God is not a Cosmic Don Corleone like the Calvinists claim,

then, who is God…Really?

Is it possible that God could actually be the loving Being that so many believe?

If so, what does that do to some of our very favorite pet theologies?

You know, like Original Sin and Hell?

People seem to really like the idea of Hell. That’s HELL, as in an ‘Eternal Conscious Punishment’ kinda hell.


No, really…why would anyone who has an ounce of compassion wish that on anyone?

According to the folks who accept this idea, the answer is Justice.

Hell is necessary because of all of the Evil Evilness that is at the core of Humanity because of that thing called Original Sin.
Our ancient forebears, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God. So now, the entire Cosmos is steeped in that Original Sin.
Apparently, in order for things to be put back in order, then, the Cosmos, the Whole Shebang, must be destroyed and rebuilt. And, all of humanity must be cast into the Burning Trash Heap called Hell.

That is, except for a chosen few who follow a prescribed formula that will safeguard them from that particular doom.

So, we can’t have all of those evil people receiving any kind of respite or reward. That wouldn’t be fair. Plus, God is a Just God. So, God is compelled to punish evil people because, well, JUSTICE, Dammit!

For those of you who were not a part of this culture of Retributive Justice, what I’m sharing might sound strange. After all, doesn’t the Bible say something about God loving the whole Cosmos so much that God’s own Son gave himself up to death in order to save it?

Well, yeah it does.

But, what about Justice?
Is there a case to be made in support of some kind of payment due for those who follow an evil path in life?


Ok. What about Hitler?
Or Stalin or Attila or Nero or Fill in Name of Favorite Villain_______.


I haven’t a clue.

Oh, and neither do you.

God’s justice falls in that space that’s way above our pay grade.
We don’t get to make that call.


We don’t get to treat anyone as if they fall outside of God’s love and grace.

And, we certainly don’t get to decide who, if anyone, will find themselves in some kind of Hell.

Oh, that means that we don’t get to give people a choice.
Heaven or Hell?
Repeat this incantation and you will miraculously be granted the former and spared the latter.


We are called, no, Commanded to Love.

Does that kind of love mean that we must warn people about some pending eternal doom?

No. Sorry, that’s not love.
That’s rendering a judgement.
Not our job.

“But, what if they reject our love?”

What if they do?
We love them anyway.

Anything beyond that can be construed as missing the mark.
Or, Sin.

Don’t miss the mark.

Choose to love.

Leave Justice to God.



Sunday Morning Lament

As I sat in silence this morning I saw an image of the president of the U.S.
standing in the rain praising a ruling by a judge in Texas that states that the
Affordable Care Act, the so-called “Obama Care,” is unconstitutional.
My mind showed me the many people, conservatives, who have spent the
last several years trying undo this simple act to help people who desperately need
the help. I asked Why? Why do these people work so hard in order to hurt others?
As my thoughts took wing, I looked down on the people lined up at our borders.
Why are the institutions that we have created trying so hard to hurt others?
I saw the poor in other countries with no clean water or consistent food source.
Why are those governments not helping their own people? They only heap up riches
and power for themselves.
I considered the so-called religious of our culture. What are they doing? After all, aren’t
they all followers of Jesus?
Who was this Jesus? “Behold, the Kingdom of God is near!” he said.
Because, I’m not seein’ it.
I’m not seein’ it at all.

“How long, O Lord?”
People have said this simple prayer for thousands of years.

“How long, O Lord?”
Will You wait?
Will You allow injustice?
Until You uphold the widow? The orphan? The stranger?

“How long, O Lord?”
Our governments are corrupt. Our leaders care only about their own power and prestige.
They abuse those that they have been called on to serve.

“How long, O Lord?”
The institutions that are established suffer from rot. They care only about surviving.
They care not a whit for those that put their trust in them.

“How long, O Lord?”
The systems that prevail over all things are altogether corrupt.
Racism, sexism, corporations…all tools of the powerful against Everyone Else.

“How long, O Lord?”
Atheists trust in knowledge and humanity’s ability to grow. They trust in the wind.
Progressive Christians trust in humanity’s ability to usher in the Kingdom of God.
How many centuries ago was this proven to be folly?
Evangelicals. Well, they are just dangerous. They hide behind their faux faith and
Like the Pharisees of old, “do not enter the Kingdom and prevent others from doing so.
Rome is altogether corrupt. Self-seeking old men who crave honor, prestige, and power.
Yet, they have castrated themselves and are now impotent.
Orthodox seek God in Spirit and Truth. Yet, they do nothing for anyone outside of their
own cloisters and cathedrals.

“How long, O Lord?”
Martin hoped that the arc of history would bend toward justice.
I don’t see it.

“How long, O Lord?”

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