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Tag: #politics

Holding Thoughts and Ideas Hostage: The New Politics


I try to stay out of political issues as much as I can. They can be way too divisive and hostile. And, for what good purpose? So that one group can have power over others. There seems to be way more greed and power lust than any attempt to govern. It’s not really the hill that I’m willing to die on. After all, this blog has been primarily a platform to unmask the hidden dangers of certain religious traditions. Those traditions that are more concerned about greed and power lust…uh, wait a minute. That sounds familiar. “Greed and power lust.” Hmmm…Maybe I’m not too far removed from the language of modern politics.
Ok. Politics it is. At least, for today.
For the last 4 decades, or so, there has been a concerted effort on many to fan the flames of the so-called ‘Culture War.’ For those uninitiated, Culture wars are what happens when what I think is good and proper behavior is what you consider evil and decadent. It’s the old timey Blue Laws that prohibited alcohol sales on Sunday. They are the battle for the bedroom, (and, the bathroom). These culture wars are at the heart of anti-LGBTQ+ people and anti-abortion rights. They want to control everyone’s behavior based on one particular moral standard. A standard that really isn’t standard. But, these culture warriors don’t want to admit that.
In the U.S. these battles rage over a clear line of difference. That line is One Particular Interpretation of the Bible. That tosses these political issues convincingly into my wheel house. That O.P.I.O.T. B. is a staunchly conservative one. This view is commonly aligned with some flavor of flag-waving patriotism that mixes the Bible with nationalist fervor. This mixing of religion and politics, something that everyone knows should never be mixed at Thanksgiving, is like mixing gasoline with fire. Nothing good can ever come of it. This mash-up destroys both religion and politics. This grotesque hybrid is an abomination that should have been stillborn. Yet, it lives.
Now, I’m not just writing this stuff because I need to vent my spleen about the state of our union. That would be too simplistic. No, I’m concerned with one small skirmish that seems to be going mostly unnoticed by the MSM. In the midst of this lawsuit or those indictments and all of the attention turning toward an election that’s A YEAR AND A HALF AWAY, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! this little attempt to censor free thought seems relegated to a side issue.
This is the problem with banning books.
Yeah! You heard me right! Right now, in 21st century U.S.A. people are banning books. Why, you ask? Because they are afraid of the ideas that some books espouse. These, mostly conservative and reactionary people are taking a page out of an ages old play book. Censor the ideas that are different than mine. Ideas are dangerous. They allow people to think. And, of course, we don’t want anyone to do that! Keep the populace dumb and in their place in order to serve their masters, er, those better able to understand things. Little Ronnie de Santis in Florida has spearheaded this in his state. He claims that he is taking a stand against ‘wokeness,’ whatever the hell that is. I think it’s a dogwhistle to like-minded people to signify ‘anything that could possible be considered progressive.’ So, it’s a pretty broad area of discussion. Rather than having intelligent and respectful discussions about the topics that these books cover, let’s just outright ban them. Maybe, if enough people like this, we can start to burn them! Won’t that be fun! So far there have been nearly 1,000 titles banned in several states. Boards of education all over the country are being assaulted by conservatives who want thoughts and ideas controlled to their advantage.
There is a problem with this, though. Besides the obvious attack on our intellectual freedom, that is. The biggest problem is that it never works. Banning books and any other way of spreading ideas is dead on arrival. No one can contain thought. It must always find a way.
Why not just ignore the issue until people wise up and the problem goes away?
Well, it never just goes away. There is usually a steep price to pay in order to keep our thoughts free. We can go all the way back to Socrates if we want to. The powers that be didn’t like what he was saying. So, he got to enjoy a hemlock smoothie. Throughout the middle ages books and the knowledge that they contained were restricted. It seems that there are always people who think that they know best for everyone. There was that one time, however, that overshadows every other attempt to censor free thought. That began in 1933 with book burnings in Nazi Germany. We all know how that ended.
So, no, ignoring the issue won’t do. It won’t do at all. There is too much at stake to simply stand back and let nature take its course. That’s why I’m writing this. I’m really pissed off that we still have to deal with this kind of idiocy at this point of civilization. I think that I’m more afraid of what may happen to people before this current fear of thought ends. Will bookstores be targeted? Public libraries? Schools in many places are already under fire for what they offer students. Will roving bands of book vigilantes in brown shirts stop students and check their bookbags for contraband titles? Don’t laugh. People laughed before and many suffered. Do your due diligence to find out what’s happening and where. Is there a movement in your community to force school boards to limit the educational resources that your children, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren have?
Keep watch and be vigilant. Book banning have historically been only the first salvo in a much larger, bloodier culture war.


Texas and Florida: The New Sodom


What’s that?

Those are two of the Reddest Red States!
Aren’t they filled with all of those conservative christian types?
How can you say that they are the New Sodom?

I’m glad you asked those questions.

First, Yes! Yes, those states boast a large percentage of the population who are christian.
They believe the Bible and claim to read it and live their lives accordingly.
I’m sure that if anyone from one of those “righteous” states reads this they will begin to
gnash their teeth and say, “How dare that liberal commie punk say that about us!”

Ok, whatevs.

I have a pretty strong case, though. In recent days there have been a couple of things happen that may or may not find air time on your favorite news channel. (I’ve found that the media, main stream or other, don’t report on these types of stories very often. I sometimes wonder why. Then, I remember, “Oh, yeah, $$$$.)

Immigration to the U.S. has historically been a problem. From banning Chinese immigrants in the 19th century to not welcoming Catholics and Irish and Italians and whoever the group du jour happens to be.. Americans, a nation of immigrants, has issues with allowing immigrants.

I get the concerns. Will there be adequate housing, jobs, schools, etc. to support any influx of people from other countries. And, while I think many, if not most, of those concerns are over-blown, there is reason for them. After all, when guests come to call the host needs to think about how to care for them.

I get it.

And, I agree that the Federal govt. really needs to pull their collective heads out of their asses and address this issue. It will not simply go away if it is ignored.
That’s why we elect those folks.

However, what two governors have done is not helpful. In fact, it is criminal. (Or, should be.)

In order to score political points Greg Abbott has been loading illegal immigrants into buses and sending them north to New York, Chicago, and D.C. He claims that it is to highlight the border problem in his state.
There is a problem there. I don’t think that anyone would deny that. People streaming across the border without any structure in place to adequately accommodate them is a big problem.
The strain on state and local governments is real. The local economies are not designed to handle the sometimes staggering number of people crossing. Federal, State, and Local law enforcement are overworked and simply not trained to handle all of the issues they are confronted with.


Treating human beings, children, women, and men like pawns on a chess board in order to score political points is simply wrong. These are folks trying to escape crushing poverty and civil unrest. They are literally running for their lives. Gov. Abbott should be ashamed of how he is treating these people!

Florida Gov. Ron “Vecna” DeSantis is following Abbott’s lead. He recently sent two planes filled with immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. (See NYT article here.) He did not give the folks there a heads up. He simple used taxpayer funds to fly people out of his state.
Fortunately, the good people of Martha’s Vineyard ramped up quickly to help. They welcomed the immigrants and began helping them get the support that they needed. They fed them and in one case gave someone a pair of shoes because he had none. It seems that those people understand the words that Emma Lazarus wrote that are etched on the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

From Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus”

I don’t fault Local and State governments their frustration. Immigration is an issue that needs to be addressed.
But, treating people who are hungry, lost, and afraid like this is truly a sin that must be reckoned.
As the prophet Ezekiel wrote to the leaders of Jerusalem:

“As I live,” says the Lord, “your sister Sodom and her daughters have not done as you and your daughters have done. This is the iniquity of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty, and did abominable things before me; therefor I removed them when I saw it.”

Eze. 16:48-50

As near as I can tell from this, both Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are sodomites.

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I’m So Tired

I’ve struggled with writing this post.
The reason for the difficulty is that
I’m tired.
I’m tired of listening to the news day in and day out
about how the Left hates America and the Right hates everyone.
I’m tired of hearing that Covid-19 is a hoax and that the
murder of innocent children and educators at Sandy Hook was staged.
Right now the streets of the country are filled with righteously indignant people protesting yet another act of Street Justice Capital Punishment inflicted on an African American man.


How. Freaking. More. Lives. Must. Be. Lost?
I’m really tired because we’ve been through this all before.
Apparently, to no avail.
So I guess I can add frustrated to tired.
I’m tired and I’m frustrated.
And, I’m losing hope.
I was a kid in the early 1960s. I didn’t watch the news. I was only interested in Superman and Roy Rogers. But, by the time ‘65 and ‘66 rolled around I was beginning to see scenes of people marching with signs and police officers and soldiers trying to stop them.
My father, whom I loved dearly, grew up in small town America. He had no use for these people with the signs. And, he was fairly vocal about it.
1967, “The Summer of Love,” came around and, again, the news was flooded with images of people dressed rather unconventionally dancing and getting high. Rock-n-Roll was definitely here to stay.
The images of people being killed in some far-away jungles were also appearing on the nightly news. In all honesty, I had no clue what that was all about. I was a 12 year old aspiring rock-n-roller who spent most of his time with a guitar in his hands. Oh, and chasing 12 year old girls. Yeah, that was important, too.
In 1968 I sat in front of the TV and witnessed the murders of MLK and Bobby Kennedy. Soon, the nation was burning and people were getting their heads caved in on the streets of Chicago.
More people marching with more signs.
More police and soldiers standing in their way.
And, you know what?
Some things actually changed.
In the mid-60s the Voting Rights Act was passed.
People began to talk to one another.
Flower Children planted flowers in M-16s.
By the time I graduated from high school in 1973, we began to
have hope that the Times, They Were A-Changin’.

Then, something changed.

In the words of Steppenwolf, I think we “grew fat and got lazy.”
We thought that the Monster was dead. But, it had just slunk into its hole somewhere to lick its wounds.
We grew up. We started families and gained responsibilities: bills to pay; jobs to work; soccer practice…
Reagan promised us prosperity and we believed him.

Now, here we are.
Throwing rocks and tear gas at each other.
Shooting unarmed Black men and wearing body armor.
Squeezing every cent out of poor people who can’t afford to be squeezed. Watching the poorest bear the brunt of a global pandemic while politicians squabble about pennies.

I really hate some cliches, but it seems to be a truism that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

And, I’m tired of it.
I’m too fucking old to keep seeing this play out the same damned way time after time after time after God. Damned. Time!

Is there hope?

No. Not if we try to deal with society and culture the same way we did 50 years ago. If we simply throw money at it the Monster will simply sate its appetite and demand more.

Perhaps, there is a way to slay the beast. Or, at least one tactic in the battle.
I’ll muse about that in another post.

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