I follow several blogs and news sources every day.
Yeah, I like to keep up on what’s happening outside of these four walls that have become a sanctuary of sorts.
Most of the blogs I read pick up on some current event or news report. They share the parts that resonate with them. Then reflect or offer their opinion. Every one has an opinion!
This here blog thingy of mine generally follows a different path.
I share my thoughts and feelings about a lot of topics.
The reasons I do this are manifold.
First, I feel an obligation to counter some of the prevailing religious ideas and doctrines that have proven to be harmful. So many people have suffered, have found themselves in emotional and psychological bondage because of false and inaccurate interpretations of Holy Writ. For Christianity, a religion that speaks of Freeing the Captives, this is especially problematic. So, I write about it.
Second, I believe that by sharing some of the struggles that I deal with others may find it easier to share their own. Things that trouble us, our thoughts and feelings, can be extremely harmful if left hidden. People need ways to vent some of the pressure that builds from deep within us. But, because of shame or social stigma, we keep that pressure bottled up. Eventually, the chains that bind the heart may become too strong.
So, I share my story.
And, thereby, encourage others to do the same.
I also write these things because, well, words are what I do best.
My mind has a lot of things bouncing around in it. This is how I get them out so that I can see them and think about them. Because, until I do, I really don’t understand some of them myself. To put it simply, sometimes I don’t know what I think until I say it.
I don’t think that I’m alone in this. Until we hear or see our thoughts concretely, they are simply wisps of the æther flowing through the synapses in our brain. Allowing them to form a shape that can be seen is important for me.
That being said, I want to deviate a bit today.
There is something happening in the U.S. today that, I believe, is worthy of a brief report.
Yeah, I know, current events. Big deal.
No, really, this kind of is.
The Covid-19 crisis has shown me something that I think I knew was real. But, because of all of the polarization, hate, and mistrust that usually blankets the airwaves, it has remained hidden from view.
This thing is the heart and compassion of a vast majority of American people.
Folks have really stepped up to support the so-called “Front Line” workers in the medical field and all of our first responders. I can actually understand that a bit. These are the truly visible people who are trying their best to help, comfort, and heal the sick.
So, kudos to all of them!
But, then there are the unseen warriors in this battle.
Those who leave snacks for people delivering our food and packages because we don’t want to venture out into the wilderness ourselves.
The artists and musicians who draw on the concrete messages of hope and who stand outside the windows of nursing homes to encourage the scared folks who are trapped inside.
The educators who have had to completely change the educational paradigm in order to continue supporting and teaching our children. They changed direction on a dime! Way to go, Teachers!
Kudos to our state and local governments for getting into the trenches with us in order to ensure that we are adequately protected. Yeah, they get flack for not being quick enough to respond to the unemployment crisis that this pandemic brought on. They are trying, though, with limited resources and personnel.
I could go on to include others.
But, I think that you can grasp my point.
In a culture where violence and hatred seems to run rampant, there is a spark of hope.
This crisis has revealed that their is something good in humanity.
We are able to reach deep within ourselves and draw up empathy for others.
We can band together to support one another when we really need one another.
My true hope is that, when this current crisis passes, we can continue to do so.
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