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Month: September 2019

Random Thought for a Friday

In the car for my morning commute, my mind sometimes wanders into strange and mystical places. Today I found myself considering a strange word. One that is tossed about without a second thought. A word that I think may be one of the most misunderstood, and frequently ignored, in our language.

That word is “Vow.”

Merriam-Webster defines it:

a solemn promise or assertion

specificallyone by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition.

As I considered this word, I began to wonder why we use it. Some religious sects use it to bind individuals into some kind of ‘priesthood’ or other religious community like a monastery or convent. This, they claim, binds the person into service, (servitude?), for life. (Sometimes with devastating effect. But, that’s another story.)

Others swear vows of chastity until a certain time or event, like marriage. There are those who “swear off” alcohol, tobacco, or other substances that they consider harmful to their life and well-being.

Some courts of law require that witnesses get “sworn in,” vowing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

But, my mind led me to consider those vows that one may make at a young age that are considered binding for life. Because, I don’t really think that these are either helpful or realistic in real life.

It’s been said by people way smarter than I am that the only thing that is completely constant is change. People grow. Environment changes. Opinions are altered over time. Our journey is not static by any means.

So, if as a young man I swear to abide by certain vows, when I grow older and the world in which I live moves on, I may find myself stuck between growing with the world or holding on to some words that I spoke in a different time and place. I am not talking about ‘fairness.’ As in, that wouldn’t be fair. No, I’m talking about reality.

In recent years there has been a lot of news about certain clergy abusing others. Others who are usually most vulnerable to abuse. The shame and condemnation that are felt by all involved can be horribly devastating. Here is a person who Swore and Oath, who Made a Vow! Look at what has happened!

Now, not only is the innocent victim traumatized by this and may never recover fully. But, the Vow has been shown to be false and meaningless.

My question is, why make it in the first place?

Jesus, himself, told people NOT to swear or make oaths. He said that folks should simply say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when asked whether they would do something. Yet, we continue to insist on swearing and making oaths that there in no way can possibly be honored until death. The world doesn’t sit still for anyone.

Would it not be better to enter into a community or vocation or some other institution with intent to follow and live according to whatever conventions are in place until such time as the world turns? Then, with all seriousness and consideration be able to say, “It’s time. Time for me to move on. Time for me to move away from the temptations that plague me and deal with who I am and what I am Now called to do. And, most importantly, to be able to do that with honor and dignity. To be blessed by those who we’ve shared a short season with. To grow with the world without the shame and guilt that comes from “breaking the Vow.”

Yeah, I think that would be much better.

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Formed by the Spirit

“Formed by the Spirit.”

Wow! That’s a pretty loaded phrase. I mean, what does that even mean? Lots of folks over the centuries have tried to define that in ways that are clearly and easily understood by people. They offer suggestions about reading Holy Scripture so that, “The Word may dwell richly within you.” Hey, that sounds good! Or, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,” to quote St. Paul’s missive to the Church at Rome. What does THAT mean? Others say that to be formed by the Spirit involves learning all that we can about “why we believe what we believe.” The big word for that is Apologetics. I have found that kind of approach really only creates arrogant, ignorant people.

What about prayer? Surely, that must form people in a spiritually kind of…thing. Right?

Maybe. Again, what does that mean? How can I, or anyone, perform any ritual, be it reading, praying, attending a church, or whatever that will actually allow for Spiritual Formation?

As you might guess, I do have an idea or two. Well, maybe only one. I’m really not sure myself. But, I think that it stars with…wait for it…Grace.

What?!? Grace? Now, what does THAT mean?

It means that I have no idea. It means that I’m not the one making the call. It means that any formation, or better, transformation is by nature out of my hands.

Now, I also want to make something else clear. We are NOT without responsibility in this. At the end of the day, I must make the decision to accept that grace. But, I truly think that’s pretty much all that I can do. Why, you ask? Why am I not more integrally culpable in my own formation? I think the easiest answer is the first one to come to my mind.

So that I may have nothing to boast about.

That’s right, kids. If I don’t have the wheel in my hands. If someone else is driving, re. God, then I can’t go around telling folks to “Look at ME! I’m spiritual!

Another reason that may not be as obvious, but is certainly more important, is that I really don’t know what it is that I really need. What does formation look like in my life? I am truly without a clue. But, there is One Who does know.

That’s where faith comes in. “Faith,” you ask, “Do you mean blind following your invisible friend to some unknown destination”? Well, no, not at all.

It means that no matter what practices I may find myself doing, I trust that God is doing something. What that is I neither know nor care. Not in my pay grade. It means that I accept that God actually DESIRES to be graciously active in my life. And, that God is actually CAPABLE of being active in my life. Perhaps more importantly, that God actually IS active in my life. There is no following the Yellow Brick Road to some paradisiacal Emerald City. There is only faith.

That, my friends, is where Spiritual Formation is securely moored.

What that all looks like is impossible to describe. For every person there is a different world being created. God doesn’t work in systematic ways that can easily be adduced and analyzed and then mass produced for everyone. No. Can’t be done. Although, many have tried with their surveys and polls. God is Spirit. God is essentially “Other.” We cannot describe nor define God. Period.

We can only sit quietly and let God’s grace flow over us, through us…permeate every cell. To, in essence, alter our Spiritual DNA.

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Awaken! Arise! Away!


In silence Your I hear Your voice.

Words Silently Spoken quicken the Life Force of Spirit that dwells within.


Shine from Eyes filled with Wonder; Power; Love!

How I long to feel Your Love coursing through my veins,

Entering every cell; altering the very DNA of my Heart of Hearts.


May we join with kindred Spirits and fly into the æther that exists

Within Us; Without Us

Let voice ring with Joy; Happiness; Love

For Your Legacy is found in such as These.

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A Response by Dr. Pete Enns

Recently, I’ve spent considerable time and energy investigating the reality of Emotion and Passion. These have been sorely neglected and misunderstood by me, and I might add, especially the theological tradition that I spent so many years immersed in.

While looking at these things, I have neglected one of the things that some of you have enjoyed over the years. That one thing is looking at the Bible and what it may, or may not, actually say, mean, or how it impacts us.

This morning I want to share an essay by Dr. Pete Enns. Those of you who have followed me know that Dr. Enns and I share many common points of inquiry when it comes to the Scripture and Evangelical tradition.

The essay is fairly long. It is also geared more toward an academic response to an Evangelical opinion. So, take that for what it’s worth. Dr. Enns is responding to a review of his book, How the Bible Actually Works, that was written by Evangelical pastor and writer, Geoff Holsclaw. I hope that you find it instructive. And, may it help you to Break the Chains that Bind.

Please click on this link to read, “How the Bible Actually Works” Works; A Response to Geoff Holsclaw (And Likely Others).

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Lightning Bugs

When I was child I ran around the yard with my friends in the Summertime Evening.

We chased an elusive, yellow glow floating between heaven and earth.


Opening my small-boy hand, I peer at the tiny creature walking along the Life Line of my palm.

Pulsating glow.

0ne-Two; On-Off.

Pulse of Life coursing through my veins.

One-Two; On-Off

“You wear your glow on the outside,” says I.

“Your is hidden within,” replies my glowing friend. “Let it out! Shine your Living Glow! Bring Happiness to the One to whom the Inner Beacon calls. Join the chorus of Joy and Praise as we All shine!

Let us, together, illumine the darkness.”

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New day!

New chance to be and to be Present!


The crease where heaven and earth join in conjugal bliss

Bearing forth the Child of the Sun!

Where God is playing; Holy Recreation releasing God’s Love!

Or, is it Re-Creating?

Each dawn pregnant with New Hope; New Possibilities;


Laugh and Sing with the Joyous Many

Who dance with gods and angels.

Who sing with the Sun!

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Today I feel lost, adrift on an unseen current that flows…


Not able to see the light that pulses from with your eyes.

I cannot hear the rhythm of your heart as we fold together as One.

Arms; Legs; Hearts…Souls

Truly I wish for that glow that guides without guile

That I may grab the tiller of my heart and

Find You.

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Reach upwards, O my Soul!

Climb to the heavens where the gods dwell!

Breathe deeply of the æther, that luminiferous element through

Which light flows and eddies in the far reaches of the Universe.

Seek the Heart of the Great God from Whom emanates all

Life and Light.

Bask in the radiant glow of God’s visage as it searches;

Hearts to mend; Minds to heal.

Yet, I do not need to search far.

For, who must fly to the High Heavens?

Or, who must descend to the Great Depths?

The æther in which this Deity Dwells ebbs and flows


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This is My World. And That’s Alright With Me

Why is sadness a bad thing?
Should we all always allineate with the herd?
Fish find fluid fine to breathe,
That is their reality; their particular world.
What if sadness is mine?
The air that circulates in my lungs;
The Oxygen coursing through my veins
Bringing life to the cells that structure this frame?
Who are you, Happy Person, to judge my reality?

Yes, tears stand ready to serve me at a drop of the hat.
And, yes, my throat tightens and constricts when I gaze at you.
What makes that any different than the derision that you
Hold for me that erupts in guffaws and laughter?

You don’t get to judge my world.
But, I will hold yours responsible for the
Hurt; the damage and destruction that your
Unreasoning judgment has wrought on me
And those who limp through this existence
Like I do.

My sadness is my crown and You cannot take it from me.

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“Cold hearted orb that rules the night,” proclaimed the Minstrel in Song.

His connection to the River of Creativity that courses through the Universe, wetting our souls with deep insight and wisdom, revealed that to him as “Truth.”

But, is it truly?

No. I think not.

Born in torment, Artemis broke free and roamed the wilds seeking her own under the silver, lunar light that illumines the night; illumines the heart.

“Freedom,” the goddess cried out in the forest she so loved.

Freedom, in the water reflection of her friend and charge as its image rippled on the surface of the water.

“Cold hearted orb?”


Rather, freedom that shines in the silver-lumined teardrop that slips silently down my cheek.

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