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Month: September 2023

Here we are, 50 Years On

50 years. A half century. A long time.

Last weekend the class of 1973 celebrated that milestone. A long time.

So many memories. Yet, new games. We all got the chance to play “Pin the Name on the Face.” You know, trying to put names to old and wrinkled faces. Ok, not all of them wrinkled. But all of them older and riper. It was good to see them all laughing and smiling. Like right after passing one of Jerry Briggs’ algebra tests.

On Friday afternoon we spent time decorating a “float” for the Homecoming parade on Saturday morning. I put the word “float” in quotes because it was actually a long trailer used to haul heavy machinery to worksites. They pulled it with a semi. We put some balloons and some crepe paper on it and called it a “float.”

On Friday evening we invaded local Tex/Mex and Cantina, Rico’s. While it was truly great to catch up in an informal, margarita enhanced environment, not all was joyful. A memorial was set up to honor those classmates who have walked on before us. Some faces have been part of that shrine since the beginning. Those friends who never had the opportunity to grow old with the rest of us. Some are recent additions to this Hall of Remembrance. One in particular brought tears to my eyes. A once beloved bandmate whose quick wit and humor truly blessed. He also had his demons whose claws dug deep into his soul and clung to him. But, which one of us does not have such hangers-on from hell?

Saturday brought the parade! A motley mashup of old folks riding on that “float.” It was a lot of fun. (Except for the splinters!) We got to toss candy to kids along the parade route. Most of those kids made out better than they ever will at Halloween!

Saturday night was the dinner, the Main Event. I can’t even begin to describe the emotions that ran through my heart. Yeah, we kept playing Pin the Name, but even without remembering names, it was a beautiful thing to remember the times in which we grew toward adulthood. To “feel” what I felt all those years ago. Such is the way in which our memories work.

These memories, these relationships, forged in the white-hot flames of youth are far stronger than we realize. After the pomp and circumstance of commencement, we all went our various ways. We were each a new vessel christened to sail our way through the so-called “Sea of Life.” The wind carrying us to new and exotic places. Ok, maybe not so exotic. Wherever the winds carried us, though, those old relationships formed in the days that have gone by, still remain. A little dusty, perhaps. Some may even have some pigeon doo spattered on them. But the relationships are still strong and binding.

It’s to these relationships that I pay honor. We weren’t all friends. Our varied personalities and interests always seemed to get in the way. Yet here we are. 50 years on. The bond is not broken.

I know that there is another reunion yet to come. Many more of us will adorn that Shrine of Honor to sisters and brothers who have gone on. There remains, still, that one graduation that we all will celebrate one day. And it will be an honor to walk across the stage with all of you as we receive our diplomas.

Thank you to all who worked so hard to make all of this become a reality. It was truly a blessing. I also want to thank all of you who showed up to celebrate this part of life that we all shared. Ours has not been an easy path. It may have been filled with ruts and roots, blocks and boulders. Getting here has been an ordeal. No one said getting old was easy. It is a testimony to our resilience and hope that we can share a meal and a few moments with one another yet one more time. I know that I will hang on to the memories, old and new, as I continue to wander on. And, with them, I will carry each of you with me.

Thank you!

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