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Category: Environment

What Will It Take?

Sitting in the quiet darkness of early morning.
That time of day when the gentle, white lace of frost
Caresses the grass and paints with delicate strokes upon windows.

My mind wanders paths strewn with the blown litter of oak and maple.
The creaks and cracks of the naked branches above as the gently breezes
Flow among their gnarled fingers.

And, I wonder…

Where does the sand in the glass go when it completes its task?
Time leaks into time with no direction other than Onward.

At what point do we stop and look around at our purposes and desires?
See! The Indigenous Peoples of the Earth have stories to tell.
Destroyers appeared on the horizon.
Pestilence, life Passes, Peoples Perish.

My mind sees a shadow on the plains.
Millions upon millions of stamping hooves.


People, lives, cultures…Gone.

I see the dense canopy of a billion leaves swaying in the wind,
Dripping the Elixir of Life, Water, onto the world of myriad creatures.

Fire; destruction; Death.

Everyday I see the result of greed and lust in vacant eyes and bleached bones.

When will we learn?

As the poet wrote,

any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.

John Donne Meditation XVII

I wrote the above as I considered our headlong leap into environmental disaster. Many people give no credence to the alarms sounded by people in the scientific community and elsewhere. We really don’t have to look beyond the Indigenous Peoples of the world. When the colonists came and destroyed their habitat, the cultures perished. Even as some Indigenous nations attempt to recapture their cultures and languages, they will be forever changed. And, not necessarily for the better.
What makes us so arrogant as to think that we will escape unscathed as we destroy our own environment?

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Indigenous Spirituality

One of the basic tenets of Western Christianity is that only those people who believe in Jesus as the Son of God can be saved or accepted by God. They cite especially the text in the Gospel According to John where Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by me.”

That does sound pretty exclusive.

So, missionaries and colonists took their understanding of God and the Gospel and went out to the uttermost parts of the world in order to make disciples of all people.

It looks like the right thing to do. From a certain point of view.

A point of view that I no longer find tenable.

As I walk among friends from diverse cultures I find that God has already shown up to them. No, not like with Jesus. But, truly the influence of Creator is not the personal property of Christians or Jews. Creator has touched the hearts and lives of billions of other souls in ways that we in the West just don’t seem to understand.


We don’t need to understand. We do, however, need to love and encourage each of these cultures to cultivate their relationships and understand of God. We can do that without imposing our Western culture on them.

So, I have no problem sharing this link to a group called, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. These women have a heart for Creator, Creation, and all those who call this big piece of space rock home. I believe that they have truly experienced God. Their Way, Truth, and Life may look different than mine. That doesn’t mean they are wrong.

So, I invite you to click on the above link and check them out. Who knows, we may all learn something!

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Humanity marches ever onward.
Tho there are no more lands to conquer,
No people to displace,
No new territories to plant our banners,
No fauna to drive to extinction,
No minerals to exploit and deplete,
No place left to spread our disease.
Gone, the proud people of the Land,

Gone, the free Range,
Gone, the mighty Bison stampeding o’er the plain,
Gone, the trees and woodland creatures,
Gone, the innocence of this place.
O, virgin continent!
Lost to the ravishing of the rapist who overpowered you
And took Your virginity.
Exploited for a moment’s gratification…
Left lying in your own blood.

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Reconciled life

Today I was reading in Romans 5. Paul wrote that because of Yahweh’s great love we have been reconciled to God. Whereas we were enemies, (by our own doing), we are now friends who are saved from wrath. I began to wonder what a reconciled life might look like. If we are no longer subjected to wrath, how should we live? Honestly, I can’t give a good or comprehensive answer to this. What might be evidenced in my life would be wholly inappropriate for someone else. But, I think there are some things that warrant mention.
If we live our lives with an eye to what others may think, even if it is to be a so-called “witness”; that is wrong. Jesus made it clear that any good that we do should be done for the Father alone. Yet, I’ve heard many good intentioned people state that we must watch ourselves and maintain some kind of piety so that others will see and desire to live in a similar fashion. So far, I’ve not seen the masses storming the gates to get in.
I think that a reconciled life may allow people to maintain a kind of aloofness, or detachment, from the concerns of the world system and culture. I’m amused at some people who take the markets and politics and other things so seriously. It is the end of the world as we know it now that the Supreme Court has upheld the health care act. Yet, these same people will make profit hand over fist at the expense of this act. We are not affected by this. Ours is not the way of culture and politics.  Ours is the way of reconciliation. Ours is the way of the cross.
I think that reconciled people are reattached to the very good creation. Where we were once cut off, especially in the West, we are put into a right relation with the earth and all that it contains. We experience God’s shalom, or as one writer put it, the Harmony Way. According to Genesis, humans were put in here to serve and protect the earth as God’s eikons. We are stewards who must answer to the Lord of the Manor. Unreconciled people view the earth as humanity’s servant. Something to be used and abused to fulfill our own appetites and greed. Not so, says the scripture. We, being reconciled to God, are also reconciled to the very good creation.
I think that this is a good topic for reflection. What do reconciled people look like?  How does this affect our relationships with Yahweh; others; the cosmos? I don’t know for sure, but God does. I trust that we will be led to greater clarity and understanding because of Yahweh’s great love.

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Just a couple of random thoughts…

When folks think of the eschaton, the new heaven and new earth that God will establish, they picture Jesus sitting on a throne. This throne is located in some 4-walled construct; a temple or something. Jesus, parked on this throne, awaits the arrival of people who seek his judgement and counsel. Sounds all prim and proper, yes? Today I saw a different image. When  Jesus lived among people, he really lived with them. He walked and talked with them. He ate and drank with them. He was present among them. Even after he was raised from death he sought out his disciples. He ate with them, even prepared food for them. He spent about 6 weeks present with them. I think that this will be closer to reality in the future. The Lion of Judah will be loose, not confined in some building. He will be bounding throughout God’s good creation seeking out people with whom he can spend time and be present with.
As I sat to pray this A.M., there was a bird making a noisome racket outside the window. I mentioned to Yahweh that even the birds were singing to glorify God. Then, I closed the window to quiet the noise.A short time later it got pretty warm in my room. So, I opened the window again. The bird was still nearby. In fact, there seemed to be a whole herd of various voices out there. The Lord prompted me to stop and listen. Yahweh bade me to be present to the chorus of praise being raised. It was a glorious moment! We too often inject our own agenda into all aspects of our lives, including what we think we must do when present with God. I think that most of the time God would have us simply stop and be present.
A couple weeks back as I was running in a nearby park I came upon a young fawn. It was days, perhaps hours old, lying between a couple of fallen trees. As I ran past, it raised its young head to look, but did not try to get up and run. It seemed quite content to let this feeble old fart pass by. I thank Yahweh for this.
Recently, my daily prayer has included the word ‘maranatha.’ Maybe I’m getting old and I desire to see the culmination of history. I desire to see the coming of the new heaven and the new earth. How cool will that be?!? But, I am also prompted by something else. I feel the oppression and suffering that is present in this world. People dying from hunger and thirst in a world that has the technology to ease these things. But, because of greed and selfish desire, these things are withheld. I see people being used and abused by the rich and powerful. People stolen and sold into slavery. People murdered for a few coins that are used to feed addictions. Relationships between family members severed over perceived hurts. War. Wall Street. Insecurity. I think that if El Elohim would just stop this and let the renewal of all things come how good it will be. Order from chaos. Peace from destruction. All things in right relationship with all others. Including humankind. We would have the proper authority, not the authority that we have usurped for our own pleasure; our own destruction. Just as the oceans have boundaries that they cannot cross, humanity will live peacefully within its own boundaries. Boundaries established by Creator/Yahweh who will walk among us.

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Is it Heaven, or something else?

I am currently reading from A Year with C. S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Today’s offering was entitled “A Whole New Nature.” This is an excerpt from his work, Miracles. He made the argument that, because of the physical characteristics of Jesus’ body after the resurrection, a new environment was necessary. Although Jesus ate and drank with others, there was something different about his make-up, like the ability to show up in rooms behind locked doors, that necessitated a new Nature. This will presumably be the environment in which he is preparing a place for those who follow him.
This seems to agree with N. T. Wright’s position as it was described in his Surprised by Hope. Rather than the blessed dead going to live in heaven, God is preparing a new Earth that will be inherited in the future resurrection. According to Wright, heaven is a place for God, the angels and other heavenly creatures. Humanity, however, is made for Earth. We should not look to some escape to heavens shores, but should be about Yahweh’s work here, in the physical, earthy environment. God is  not interested in “unmaking, but of remaking.” The business of living and breathing and cultivating and stewarding will be taken up in this new Nature. We should be about preparing for that business now.

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It’s not simply the economy

I’ve written a couple of posts about the Keystone pipeline and Canadian oil sands exploration. In these I have decidedly come down against moving forward with either. When President Obama announced that he was not going to support the pipeline, those who support it went ballistic. The television ads erupted with statements about the administration’s lack of support for American jobs and economic growth. Presumptive GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is on record stating that he would immediately agree to the pipeline. The issue quickly became an issue of economy versus ecology. These battles don’t always turn out well for the ecology. However, I came across an article over at the Native American Times that provides a little more information. Talli Nauman, Native Sun News Health & Environment Editor, wrote an article entitled, “Tribal leaders cheer Obama rejection of XL Pipeline.” In it she cited First Nation leader in both the U.S. and Canada who overwhelmingly support President Obama’s decision. It seems that there is more to this than simply economic considerations. A link to Nauman’s article is here. I do hope that more people check into the alternative positions on this issue. We cannot afford to continue to make bad judgment calls when our, and the planet’s, future are at stake.
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Broken Eikons

A few days ago I wrote a bit about humans being the image, or eikon, of God. As I continued to reflect on this I wondered about those other eikons that kings placed in the ANE. What happened to them? I imagine that over time they became worn and broken. They probably eroded to the point that the one to whom they referred could not be recognized. Think of the face of the Great Sphinx. Some of these eventually crumpled to dust. Others may have been purposely defaced by people who did not revere the king. None of them has survived intact to today.
But, what if the king were to send a new eikon. One who shared the substance of the broken ones. Who could also, potentially, be broken. And, what if this one came to some of the broken ones and, say, spit on the dust to make clay? Then, used that clay to fill in the cracks and mend the broken fingers. What would happen, then, if these newly repaired and restored eikons were given the ability to go and restore other broken eikons? In my mind’s eye I could see the eikons moving from one to another, picking up broken pieces and replacing them. Then Yahweh would have people, restored images of Yahweh, who could serve and preserve the good Earth in which Yahweh had settled them, (Gen. 2:15).

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Sometimes I wonder…

Recently, I heard a pastor talk about the place of human kind in the creation. His comments revolved around humans being the pinnacle of God’s creative  work. Not bald eagles or spotted owls or sequoias; people. A case can be made for his point, but a poor case it is, indeed.
As I read the scripture I find that in the beginning, when God formed things, God put humans as eikons in the creation to be God’s representatives in the world. Kings in the ANE would place statues, or eikons, of themselves at various places in their domains to remind folks who was the real authority. People in the realm were subject to the king. Similarly, idols were used as representative images of whatever deity in order to show that the particular deity had some sovereignty in these places. In both cases the eikon represented something or someone.
Humans were/are God’s eikons. As such, we represent God’s interests in the world. We are stewards, not owners. The world does not belong to humans, but to Yahweh. We have a responsibility to watch over the creation and to honor and care for it. This includes the bald eagles, spotted owls and sequoias. To diminish these, as this particular pastor appeared to have done, is to diminish God’s presence in the world and elevate some human-made image above God’s image. I  think we need to be careful before making irresponsible statements that are not based in the scripture nor the revelation of God.

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President Obama rejects Keystone pipeline

Here is a link to Sojourners. There are several articles/alerts/blogs at this link that can be viewed.
I have to applaud the president for the courageous move. To say no to the oil industry, especially during economic slowdowns, takes guts. There are more reasons than can be counted as to why this is a good thing. You can read about them at the above link.
Please know that this issue is not dead. Congress will try to circumvent the president. Please take time to contact your representative and senators. Ask them to support the president on this. We cannot continue to mortgage our children’s and grand-children’s future on what appears to be present expediency.

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