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Tag: #love

Perfect Love Disarms And Casts Away Fear

I wrote a short while ago how I’m so over the current news cycles. Not only are they biased in order to garner clicks and advertisers, they are truly skewed to generate negative emotions. Not like mine. I get frustrated and turn the shit off. On the other hand, there are a huge number of people who sit enthralled by the latest headlines of shootings and war and politicians’ lies. They want to know why these things are happening so they turn to any source that can provide them with some kind of solace. Even if that means diving into the sewer that is Q-anon or the Chans. Even idiotic conspiracy theories are better than nothing when it comes to explaining the world.
Why is this? How is it that normally rational human beings turn to nonsense dressed in satin and lace? I have a theory.
Ok, it’s not so much mine. Nor is it a theory. It’s pretty much a proven fact that fear drives people to think and do things that, under normal existence, they would never consider. This is the prime motivation that all of the news networks employ to keep people coming back for more and more bad news. That’s because fear is a great motivator. Folks live in fear for their lives, their livelihoods, and their children. Fear of losing a job or, worse, to lose status and power in the culture sends people into the streets, (and, onto the Capitol steps).
If I was an anthropologist I could likely spin a tale of evolutionary conditioning in which fear was a good thing. Fear kept our ancestors on the lookout for predators. Fear enabled them to ‘fight or flight’ reactions. Our ancient fears allowed our species to survive and thrive. Yeah, if I was that anthropologist. I’m not.
The fear that I’m talking about really has nothing to do with those old self-preservation fears, anyhow. This fear is totally irrational. I know that the main character on the TV show, Irrational, says that all people do irrational things. He’s likely right. But, in today’s world fear drives people to live in irrationality. Fear drives them deeper and deeper into the darkness where light diminishes into shadow.
I wrote several years ago about how some so-called preachers instill fear into those under their care. That is a type of abuse aimed at control. Today’s fear isn’t too far removed from that. Only now the media and political leaders use fear to control everyone within earshot. I am pointing my finger at ALL media and ALL politicians. It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle, fear is the chain that binds people. If you hadn’t noticed, the name of this blog is Breaking the Chains that Bind. That’s why I’m writing this post. We don’t need to be shackled by the cultural public fear that we’re being fed every hour of every day.
Of course, we could simply walk away and ignore it. That’s not practical, but it is possible. We would effectively need to remove ourselves from the public domain and hibernate in a cave somewhere. There’s always the option of educating ourselves about what’s going on. But, when folks are bound up in their own fearful little corner of the world, education doesn’t work. Their personal shields make it impossible for them to accept any facts that may contradict the safety of their world. No, something much more powerful than education must be used. I could claim that faith in God is the only true solution. So many powerful people, re., men, proclaim that Jesus is the Answer. However, they neglect to tell us what the question is. Jesus is touted as the Perfect Elixir for All That Ails Ya. All ya gotta do is think and believe exactly like I tell you to. (Not how I actually think and believe. Just sayin’.)
Way back in the days when the first communities of faith were getting their feet, there was a lot of reason to fear. Not these made up fears that bombard us day and night. There was the real chance that those folks would not live to see another day because of their beliefs. Many of them did not survive. They lost whatever social community they may have grown up with. Their means to earn a living was many times taken from them. Martyrdom was a real possibility. If anyone should be allowed some lee way when it comes to fear, these were the people.
They didn’t. At least not all of them. We read of Ignatius of Antioch we hear of a man who was en-route to Rome in order to die in the arena. A spectacle for Rome that would show that Rome had the true power. Yet, Ignatius is said to have written letters to others and spoken about his impending martyrdom. These sources reveal a person who was a peace.
St. John the Elder wrote, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love” (1 John 4:18).
Love is the answer to fear.
If we have love of the ‘other’ then fear of migrants or minorities melts away into vapor. If we love our enemy as Jesus, himself, taught his followers we remove any reason that they may have to harm us. (Of course, some people cannot be deflected from doing harm. Even with the Love of God offered to them.) Even with that parenthesis, our love disallows fear. Love keeps that foul seed from taking root. It’s written that love covers a multitude of sins. That’s true. Fear is one of those sins that love covers and subsumes.
I don’t know why I wrote this particular post. Perhaps, it is a timely word for some folks to hear. All I do know is that I am still working on that whole love thing myself. It isn’t perfected in me. But, I know that fear is not where I want to live. And, Love is the only way to disarm and defeat fear.

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1 Corinthians_Unity pt. 3

Oy, will those kids ever stop arguing????

When I go to weddings the first thing I do is look at the program for the ceremony. In almost every case there is one passage from Scripture that appears that is one of the most misused passages, (and, there are Many!), of any. This passage is 1 Corinthians 13.
The “Love” chapter.
I cringe when I see that listed as a reading. Usually, it will be read by one of the bride’s friends from childhood. You know the one, she stayed up late with the bride doing each others’ hair and joking about the length of the quarterback’s, well, you know.
The reason I find this particular passage so distasteful is because it was NEVER meant to be read only at weddings. In fact, the content alone is not about the love found in some fairy tale of wedded bliss.
This passage was placed in this particular spot between chapters 12 & 14 for a specific reason by St. Paul.
As we are learning in our Bible study at St. Barnabas, the Corinthian church had a serious identity problem. They were all excited about the personalities who came to visit them.
Paul, Apollos, the M&Ms Guys…whoever. They were totally enamored by the kinds of Spiritual gifts that they could flaunt at one another. People took pleasure in standing up in the midst of their gatherings and saying something wise, or at least esoteric sounding enough to make people applaud them.
They were all about what each of them thought of themselves.
So, right in the middle of trying to straighten out their thinking on gifts and order and stuff, Paul tossed in “a more excellent way.”
He wrote:

“If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever! 9 Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! 10 But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless.
11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.”

Tyndale House Publishers. (2015). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (1 Co 13:1–13). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Read that carefully.
Note that what Paul was saying that Love is Hard.
He wasn’t talking about some warm and fuzzy feeling in my chest. There are many people who follow Jesus who Do think about love that way.
No. Paul talked about sacrificing his body and experiencing ecstatic plateaus of spirituality. He wrote of all knowing and understanding.
All things that the church at Corinth prized as the highest reward for their troubles.
These are also things that many in today’s church cultures most value.
“I have the correct doctrine!”
“I understand the hidden things of the Bible and prophecy!”
“I am an enlightened progressive who really gets inclusiveness!”

But, there is a more excellent way.

John the Elder wrote:

“The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. (1995). (1 Jn 4:8). La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.

Jesus revealed what he considered the two greatest commandments.
The second one,

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. (1995). (Mt 22:39). La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.

That’s enough to make my point, I think.

I find that I can sit and spend meaningful time with those I disagree with. There are usually areas of common concern that we can talk about. Perhaps, we can disagree amicably. Even though it’s unlikely either of us will be swayed to think differently.
There still is that part of us that shares faith in the One God who has called us to faith in Christ.

Can I sit down with someone whom I think is a bigoted, hateful Christian and share a meal?
I would hope that I could.
Would I let that person off the hook for their bigotry and hatred?
Not on your life!!!
They would get an earful from me.
I would do my best to paint them into a corner where they would either need to repent or get up and leave.

There is NO ROOM in the Body of Christ for Hatred or Exclusion!!

Yet, as far as it depended on me, I would hope that I could extend the Unity of the Spirit toward such a person. For I am called to Love them.
I may not succeed well. (Or, at all!)
But, I would be compelled to try.

I am not responsible for siblings with whom I disagree.
I can pray for them.
For sure, I can rebuke them and encourage them to join me on a better path.

At the end of the day we are each responsible for our own thoughts and actions. As I lay my head down at night and take a time of Examen to consider the day, I can only take credit or blame for myself.

Is it hard?
Damn straight it is!

Can I go to a church where I know that I will be triggered with anxiety?
No. I know my limitations.
Can I see Jesus in people who DO go to those churches?
I hope that I can.
I pray that I can.
And, I try to enact that love and acceptance as best I can.

That’s all we can do.

It is a more excellent way.

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There’s Madness in My Method…Or Something Like That

Some of you may be wondering why I have suddenly gone off on some weird theological tangent.
“Why is he getting so worked up over something like this? It doesn’t have anything to do with what’s going on in the real world right now!”

I get that.
It does appear that I’m taking something that is not relevant pretty damned seriously.
Especially, something that I don’t really have any control over.
I mean, who am I to presume that my tiny brain and even tinier voice could have any impact on something as deeply entrenched as Western Christianity.

And, you would be right!

My voice is like a whisper in a hurricane.

That doesn’t give me a pass, though.
For, at this particular moment in time the Voice in my heart speaks loud enough.
That Voice compels me to speak.
If only to one other person.

So, back to the question I asked.
Why does this call for a new Reformation get me worked up?
Why should I, or anyone, care?

I’m glad that you asked that question!

I believe with all of my heart that the Faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah and the trust that Paul, Peter, and all the rest of the nascent Way of Jesus was misunderstood by those who followed them. Particularly, those who, I’m sure in good faith, tried to reconcile a specifically Jewish narrative with the prevailing Hellenistic world.
The introduction of the philosophies of Greece, particularly Aristotle and Plato, in effect
co-opted Israel’s story and planted it firmly in soil that was unable to sustain the growth that Jesus, Paul, et al had begun.

Ok. So what?

In the Greek mind, as I wrote yesterday, the rich tapestry that was Israel’s story was reduced to binaries.
Good/Bad; Black/White; Us/Them.
Paul’s theology was likewise reduced to fit this worldview.
What had been a beautiful Gospel of hope in the God of Abraham to reconcile the Cosmos was turned into a Frankenstein’s monster of Greek pieces with Biblical language used to justify the creation of such an aberration.

The result?

A dualism that allowed theologians to find in the Scriptures a way for humans to gain entry into some Ideal, Spiritual realm called “Heaven”. While at the same time creating a necessary antithesis to this called “Hell.”

The Gospel, and the Church at Large, became a means by which humans could receive salvation for their Immortal Souls.
From there it was a very short step to compelling people to assent to some Church prescribed proposition that would somehow, (magically?), insure that they would one day walk with God in heavenly places while avoiding the Inferno that awaited Everyone Else.

Today, that’s pretty much the same false gospel that churches foist on unsuspecting people.

What? You want proof?

Look around!
So called ‘evangelists’ standing with bullhorns on college campuses yelling at people to Repent or Burn!
Evangelical groups standing at the entrance to clinics that offer Women’s Health care abusing women who may be at the most vulnerable time of their lives.
People carrying signs outside of funeral homes that carry the message, “Death to Fags!”
Scamvangelists like Paula White who is a counselor to donald trump.
Hate mongers like Robert Jeffress and Franklin Graham who speak of God’s love out one side of their mouths while proclaiming eternal hellfire for anyone who doesn’t buy into their particular form of religious belief.
Bircher and false prophey Tim LaHaye.
Pseudo-Historian and christian nationalist David Barton.
The dangerous heresy of the Seven Mountains.
The damnable blasphemy that states the God. Hates. Your. Guts.
Indigenous Genocide.
Manifest Destiny.
The wholesale destruction of our environment by people who believe, (Falsely), that God has mandated that humans subdue and use, (re. ‘Exploit’), the environment.
The fact that I cannot walk into any Evangelical church without anxiety rearing up in my chest and mind.
How about that thousands and thousands of people who have been abused by those who preach such a hateful message?

Need I continue?
I surely can.

All of this…ALL OF THIS…is the result of humans who were deceived into believing a false gospel.

So, I write and I speak.

Do I claim to have all the answers to these issues?

Oh, hell no!

But, I do know a fake when I see it.
And, the Western Church, by and large, supports and acclaims a false gospel.
The true Gospel is one that reveals God’s love, not only for humans, but for the entire Cosmos.
The true Gospel has the power to reconcile, not divide.
Paul wrote that in Messiah Jesus there are no walls to separate.
There is neither Jew nor Greek; Free nor Slave; Female nor Male.
We can extrapolate this to say that there is neither Black nor White; Gay nor Straight; Republican nor Democrat.

The bastardization of the Gospel cannot say any of those things.
It sole purpose is to divide.
There is Saved and Damned; Believer and Pagan; Us and Them.

May that Gospel be damned!

So, yeah.
I’m worked up about this.
It’s of paramount importance to me to speak against these abuses and Blasphemies.
Yeah. I said it. The “B” word.
That’s what that false gospel truly is.

So, there it is.
And, I will continue to speak out.
At least as long as I must.
If that bothers you, well ok.
But, not sorry.
If you have similar thoughts and feelings, please share this.
Perhaps our collective voices may amplify these abuses until people begin to notice.

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God Loves Us!
We hear that.
We say that.

God Is Love.
Faith. Fullness.
Faith Mantra.

We speak of the Love that God has laser focused on us and the Cosmos.
Jesus, we say, pursues us as a Lover.
We are, in most of our imaginings, the object of God’s Love.
God is the Subject from Whom that Love flows.

” Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
    for your love is more delightful than wine,” the Song says.

” How beautiful you are, my darling!
    Oh, how beautiful!
    Your eyes behind your veil are doves.
Your breasts are like two fawns,
    like twin fawns of a gazelle
    that browse among the lilies.
Until the day breaks
    and the shadows flee,
I will go to the mountain of myrrh
    and to the hill of incense.
You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
    there is no flaw in you.”

These are words that we imagine come from the heart and mouth of the Lover of our souls. Passionate! Lustful! Erotic!

We see this Love as originating and flowing from Heart of God primarily in one direction.
Yeah, we say that we love God.
Well, because God first loved us, of course.
Then we try to explain how much work we do for God because we love God.
Didn’t Jesus say that those who love Him would obey him?
Our expression of love devolves into doing stuff.

What if we were to actually love God AS God loves us?

What if we take the place of Lover with God as our Beloved?

Then would we not chase God? Consciously? Passionately?

We would say to God,

Awake, north wind,
    and come, south wind!
Blow on my garden,
    that its fragrance may spread everywhere.
Let my beloved come into his garden
    and taste its choice fruits.

Would we not be like the Beloved in the Song?

All night long on my bed
    I looked for the one my heart loves;
    I looked for him but did not find him.
I will get up now and go about the city,
    through its streets and squares;
I will search for the one my heart loves.

Could we even imagine saying to God,

Under the apple tree I roused you;
    there your mother conceived you…
His left arm is under my head
and his right arm embraces me…
My beloved thrust his hand through the latch-opening;
my heart began to pound for him…

This is the language of Love.
This is the language of Relationship.

Let us shed our prim and proper sensibilities.
We must not allow desire to be stuffed in a neat, little Victorian box where it lies stunted and impotent.

If God is indeed the Object of our Love,
Express it!
Live It!
Embrace it!

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What is Justice?

If God is not a Cosmic Don Corleone like the Calvinists claim,

then, who is God…Really?

Is it possible that God could actually be the loving Being that so many believe?

If so, what does that do to some of our very favorite pet theologies?

You know, like Original Sin and Hell?

People seem to really like the idea of Hell. That’s HELL, as in an ‘Eternal Conscious Punishment’ kinda hell.


No, really…why would anyone who has an ounce of compassion wish that on anyone?

According to the folks who accept this idea, the answer is Justice.

Hell is necessary because of all of the Evil Evilness that is at the core of Humanity because of that thing called Original Sin.
Our ancient forebears, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God. So now, the entire Cosmos is steeped in that Original Sin.
Apparently, in order for things to be put back in order, then, the Cosmos, the Whole Shebang, must be destroyed and rebuilt. And, all of humanity must be cast into the Burning Trash Heap called Hell.

That is, except for a chosen few who follow a prescribed formula that will safeguard them from that particular doom.

So, we can’t have all of those evil people receiving any kind of respite or reward. That wouldn’t be fair. Plus, God is a Just God. So, God is compelled to punish evil people because, well, JUSTICE, Dammit!

For those of you who were not a part of this culture of Retributive Justice, what I’m sharing might sound strange. After all, doesn’t the Bible say something about God loving the whole Cosmos so much that God’s own Son gave himself up to death in order to save it?

Well, yeah it does.

But, what about Justice?
Is there a case to be made in support of some kind of payment due for those who follow an evil path in life?


Ok. What about Hitler?
Or Stalin or Attila or Nero or Fill in Name of Favorite Villain_______.


I haven’t a clue.

Oh, and neither do you.

God’s justice falls in that space that’s way above our pay grade.
We don’t get to make that call.


We don’t get to treat anyone as if they fall outside of God’s love and grace.

And, we certainly don’t get to decide who, if anyone, will find themselves in some kind of Hell.

Oh, that means that we don’t get to give people a choice.
Heaven or Hell?
Repeat this incantation and you will miraculously be granted the former and spared the latter.


We are called, no, Commanded to Love.

Does that kind of love mean that we must warn people about some pending eternal doom?

No. Sorry, that’s not love.
That’s rendering a judgement.
Not our job.

“But, what if they reject our love?”

What if they do?
We love them anyway.

Anything beyond that can be construed as missing the mark.
Or, Sin.

Don’t miss the mark.

Choose to love.

Leave Justice to God.



God Is Not A Prude

I don’t know why this thought popped into my brain.
But, it did.
Yesterday during my quiet time in the morning this showed up.
So, like so many other times, I tried to simply let the thought wash away and got back to prayer.
And, like so many other times, this thought persisted.
I can take a hint.
I let the idea swim around in my mind while I brought it to God.

I’ve known for a long, long time that nothing we humans can do will surprise God.
Especially since the Incarnation, God has had a pretty good handle on the foibles we humans share.



God has heard the word “Shit” before.
God is not shocked at that.
Nor, is God offended by it.
It’s a word.
And, a pretty damned good one, too!
See what I did there?
Yeah, God’s not too concerned about that word, either.

In fact, the more that I’ve gotten to know God, the less I find really does cause offense.
At least, among the things that seem to get people all bent out of shape.

You see, we humans like to set boundaries and elect gatekeepers to keep the inside of our little world all pure and white.
The gatekeepers, then, define what is acceptable and unacceptable.
And then?
Surprise! They tell us that God is the One Who sets the standards for our boundaries.
God is the One Who tells us what is pure and impure.

And, people actually believe that shit!

But, like I said, God is not surprised.
Nor, I think, overly concerned about what we think is boundary-worthy.

Let me get back to that boundary and gatekeeping thing.

If God is not taken by surprise by what we say or do.
And, if God is really intimate with how humans think.
Then, why are we so freaked out by how people dress or act with one another?

I know, that was quite a shift from language to clothing.

But, it all has to do with purity and who sets the boundaries.

And, that’s key.

Who doe set the boundaries?

It doesn’t take too much work to see the answer to that.
Cultural boundaries are set by those who wield the power.
And, those people are almost always men.

Yep, men.
We can narrow that down even more. They are men who are members of the dominant culture.

Now, of course women’s voices have been raised in the past.
The Women’s Temperance Unions of the 19th century are an example.
It’s important to note, though, it was male leadership who put temperance and blue laws into effect. Maybe, just to keep the peace at home?


Men are the ones who have asserted their dominance by setting boundaries that seek to control the culture. That includes things like what women wear; how women decide what’s best for themselves and their bodies; what women are allowed to do and where they can go.

If you noticed a common feature in those examples, go to the head of the class. (For those of you who didn’t…IT’S WOMEN!)

Men have asserted their power and control over women for as long as written history tells us. And then they tell everyone that this is what God wants.
“We have no choice but to obey!”

But, is God concerned about things like this?

I’m gonna say NO.
I really don’t think that God is concerned with our purity laws and rules.

In fact, I think that God is more concerned about the lack of love that the boundary makers and gatekeepers have toward others.
I think that God is concerned about the systems that we humans have developed in order to control others.
I really think that if God can be pissed off, that would do it.

But, I’m not sure that God is angered by our piss-poor treatment of one another.
I truly think that God is saddened by it.
God has tried to get our attention for ever.
God has come right out and Told us what God considers important.
And, guess what?
Our piddly little rules about purity aren’t in there.

What is?

Justice for widows, orphans, and strangers.
Hospitality. Caring for those who get trampled along the way. Using wealth for the benefit of everyone, turning the other cheek.

Oh! And, how about this one…
Do to others what you would want them to do to you!!!

God gave us two things to use in setting boundaries.
1. Love God. And, do it with everything ya got!
2. Love your neighbor as you would love yourself.

That’s not too difficult to understand, is it?
How about let’s allow what God has actually revealed to us as important guide us in how we treat each other and the world around us?

I think those boundaries would work pretty well.
Because, Everyone would be on the inside.

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I, perhaps in my youth, you know,
Back when we all think that we have
All Knowledge.

Those days of untamed certainty
What do you know?
I, alone, sit atop the world’s wisdom!
I am all-knowing and infallible.

Yeah, back then.

Days when I would gaze at the heavens and
Fix my attention on the lights that so adorn,
So illuminate!

So, I compared you to that light.
“Behold, your countenance is like the starry sky
In all of it’s God Ordained Splendor!”

But, now I cannot look directly into the light
Emanating from you!
No, that language languishes beside reality.

The stars, those angels of light placed far above…
Those great, furnaces burning trails of light through the Cosmos…

They must bow before the radiance cast from your visage.

Yes, You, are the source of warmth and light in my heart.

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Part of me wishes that we had never met.
The rational “get your head in the real world” part.
That voice that speaks with a shaking head and wagging finger,
“I told you to mind your own business! This is a bad idea!”

But, of course I didn’t listen.
I never do.

They say that the heart wants what the heart wants.
(Whoever ‘They’ are.)

Now, I have seen fields of green grass speckled with
White and Purple flowers.
I’ve inhaled deeply of the fragrances that waft about after the morning dew
Has slaked the thirst of the plant spirits; Yarrow…Comfrey.

Sol, rising to His strength, warms me and illuminates my path.
Pollen, floating, infuses the air with the sweet taste of Honeysuckle.

Now, I Know things. Your face, your hair, the shape of your eyes,
Etched indelibly into the deep crevasses of my mind.
Written into the very fabric of my soul.

How, then, is it possible to Unknow?
Can I Unkown me?
Is it conceivable that I could Unknow love?


Would that I had voice to sing you to the stars!
My tongue would form the words of praise to our Love
So that all in the Cosmos could see and hear
And Share, together with us, this Gift Given

Received in Love.

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Deep space
Two Bright Stars.
Gravity pulls inexorably
Paths converge.

Celestial Bodies Unite!
Crash! Merge! Fuse!
New elements
Created in Heat; Pressure.

Bursting; Rushing
Outward toward oblivion.

Shot thru Space.
Clustering; commingling

Two figures;
Stardust figures
Hearts pull inexorably
Paths converge.

Terrestrial Bodies Unite!
Souls come together
Merge! Fuse!
Heat Created! Pressing Together!

Bursting from Within;
Outward toward Love.

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Today I feel lost, adrift on an unseen current that flows…


Not able to see the light that pulses from with your eyes.

I cannot hear the rhythm of your heart as we fold together as One.

Arms; Legs; Hearts…Souls

Truly I wish for that glow that guides without guile

That I may grab the tiller of my heart and

Find You.

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