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Whatever Happened to ‘Frankie’?

Back in the early 1980’s I and my family began attending a small, independent evangelical church. One of those churches that seemed to spring up everywhere in those days. I had been part of the Jesus Movement of the early 70’s and had somehow navigated my way to this church. It was a good time to be a conservative believer.

During some of the church new members’ classes I was introduced to a man named Francis Schaeffer. Apparently, Schaeffer was a hero among conservative evangelicals. And, I happened to be in a class that was taught by an ardent disciple of his.

I learned that Schaeffer was something of Christian intellectual. You know, the kind of person who could rationally explain Christian doctrines. Someone who could lucidly explain ‘why we believe what we believe.’

However, at that time I was involved with the music ministry of the church. Playing guitar was more important than reading the work of some guy with long hair and a funky goatee who apparently never smiled.

Shortly before I left that church for the last time, my wife and I were invited to the home of that person who followed Schaeffer to share a meal. During the meal Schaeffer’s name came up. The pastor spoke wistfully about how Francis was a great man and defender of the faith. He then wondered whatever happened to Schaeffer’s son, Frank. He mentioned how ‘Frankie’ had once been a strong Christian like his father, but had somehow fallen away.

Truthfully, at that time I was unaware that Francis had a son. So, this person’s wistful wondering meant nothing to me.

Some years later I stumbled across a blog that Schaeffer the Younger wrote. I read a few of his posts and realized that I had found a kindred spirit! Frank had been deeply involved in the early Christian Right movement. He had rubbed elbows with some of the biggest names of that time. Jerry Falwell and James Dobson were among his associates. However, Frank became disillusioned with that movement as it became more and more political…and, hateful.

As I continued to follow Schaeffer online I realized that our lives had followed a very similar trajectory. We had both been deeply immersed in the conservative evangelical tribe. We both were in some form of leadership within that tribe. And, we both found that we could not toe that line. The entire facade that we had embraced turned to vapor in our hands. And, we both were faced with the task of finding a new path that we could follow in good conscience and in good faith.

I just finished reading Frank’s book, “Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in GOD: How to Give Love, Create Beauty and Find Peace.” As I’ve become familiar with Frank’s way of writing and speaking, it’s no surprise that he has titled the book this way. Frank does nothing half way. (Something he learned from his Mom.) If strong language is necessary to make his point, then “Atheist Who Believes in GOD” is a go!

As I read the book I found a sensitive and deeply reflective man. He was taught well by his parents. Both of them appreciated learning and the arts. Frank was steeped in European art and history. He learned how to give himself to others through the example of his parents’ work at l’Abri in Switzerland. In the community that Francis and Edith Schaeffer built, many people of diverse backgrounds and personalities found refuge. Frank’s parents took him to many cultural locations to share the art and history that formed Western culture. They shared the life and heritage that made living a worthwhile endeavor. This was the environment that molded and formed young Frank. And, I think, the hidden force that continues to move and sustain him today.

I share all of this not to advertise for Frank. He doesn’t need me for that. (Although, I do recommend his work.) Nor, do I want to dismiss the conservative culture, the dust of which we have both shaken off of our shoes. I simply want to point to a man who has grown and matured into someone that I think that I could be friends with. Someone who seems to be working on coming to terms with himself and God in a healthy and fruitful way.

So, I want to conclude by saying, “Hey! Jim! I found out what happened to Frankie! He’s alive and well and living a life that makes Jesus smile!”

Published inBooksFollowing JesusJust for FunLife and culture

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