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Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings

Where do feelings come from?

Are they the result of millions of years of adaptation? A stew-like chemistry experiment that has never ended, that just keeps going and going and going….?

They allow us to fear danger and cleave to love. They are at the same time self-serving and self-giving.

Feelings are a Paradox.

Or, perhaps as some insist, Feelings are God-created and God-given. A gift to the Cosmos to be cherished. And, crushed. Because we can’t have those feelings running rampant in the Universe, now, can we? Besides, they are fleeting and cannot be trusted with things like truth and reality. Only faith in an invisible God can provide those.

If from God, then, does God feel? Does this Supreme Being express Supreme Passion?

Feelings are Good. No, wait! Feelings are Bad! No, wait! Feelings are complicated.

Emotions are elusive; effusive. Wisps of vapor that may cumulate and become cumulonimbus thunderheads filled with pervasive power that pummels our hearts casting a wide swath of destruction.

But, also cleansing the atmosphere of our heart. Refreshing. Reclaiming. Rousing us to reach for the mountaintops, even for the stars of heaven.

Why do we try to suppress feelings? Something so basic, yet absolutely intrinsic to who we are as Humans?

After so many years hiking through the wilderness of this life, I think, maybe, perchance, (I’m really not sure), that I am finally beginning to see and grasp something, some understanding (?), of this indwelling power. For, emotions…Feelings…are as important and necessary for our existence as the air we breathe. When stuffed and hidden, we suffocate, wither, and die. Such has been my experience.

But, maybe, just as the withered plant revives when given the life-giving water that courses through its chlorophyll laden veins, I, too, may revive and find life as I open myself to that emotive well-spring of my heart.

Published inEmotionsHumanityJust for FunMusingsPoetry

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